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These widely used industrial chemicals have been found in the ocean, in the food chain, and in drinking-water supplies. They also have been linked to cancer.
PFCs started
accumulating in the environment and people’s bodies more than 50 years ago,
according to Philippe Grandjean, professor of environmental health at Harvard
T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
He said they were first used because it was assumed these highly stable and nonreactive compounds were innocuous.
He said they were first used because it was assumed these highly stable and nonreactive compounds were innocuous.
“We now know they are
not,” Grandjean said. “These compounds are in our bodies. They’re all over the
world. We’re decades late addressing this issue.”
A new Superfund Research
Program Center at the University of Rhode Island has been created to play
The five-year, grant-funded project is a partnership with scientists from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Newton, Mass.-based Silent Spring Institute, and will make use of URI’s various academic disciplines, from pharmaceutical to engineering to oceanography.
The project is designed to identify and reduce the risks of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances(PFASs) that pose a threat to public health.
The five-year, grant-funded project is a partnership with scientists from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and the Newton, Mass.-based Silent Spring Institute, and will make use of URI’s various academic disciplines, from pharmaceutical to engineering to oceanography.
The project is designed to identify and reduce the risks of perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances(PFASs) that pose a threat to public health.
PFASs, which have been
manufactured since the 1950s for use in myriad products because of their unique
oil- and water-repellent properties, have been linked to kidney and testicular
cancers, childhood obesity, thyroid disease, colitis, and suppression of the
immune system, especially in children.
The Sources, Transport,
Exposure and Effects of PFASs (STEEP) program will provide an integrated
approach to the problem, according to those responsible for the center’s
The stable but toxic
PFAS family includes perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), used in the manufacturing
of Teflon; perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA), used to make speciality plastics; and
perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), the key ingredient in Scotchgard.
The problem with these
compounds is that their stain-repellant and other advantageous consumer
properties are long-lasting. Basically, these substances don’t break down. They
bioaccumulate. As with dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT), the celebrated
stability of these compounds later turned out to be problematic.
Last year Harvard University researchers found that
PFASs exceeded recommended safety levels in public drinking-water supplies for
at least 6 million residents in 33 states.
The state of New Jersey
recently issued mandatory drinking-water testing for
PFOA and PFNA, at levels lower than those required by the Environmental
Protection Agency. The EPA has set a maximum threshold for perfluorinated
compounds at 70 nanograms per liter in drinking water.
Focused research on the
health risks associated with the environmental accumulation of PFASs only began
about a decade ago. Much of that work has been researched by
Rainer Lohmann, professor of oceanography at URI and the grant’s principal
“GenX has already been
detected in very high concentrations in the Cape Fear (N.C.) watershed,
highlighting the whack-a-mole approach to chemical legislation sill prevailing
in the United States,” Lohmann said. “Produce a chemical until it is banned, at
which point you substitute with a similar chemical, until sufficient evidence
is gathered to question the safety of the replacement chemicals ... so the
increase in emerging contaminants continues.”
He said the problems
linked to PFASs have been compounded by industry negligence and a lack of
regulatory oversight.
He noted that other countries have much stricter limits and better monitoring.
He noted that other countries have much stricter limits and better monitoring.
In fact, PFASs, which
often reach people through contaminated groundwater, are largely unregulated in
the United States. Sources include landfills, chemical manufacturers,
industrial users, and airports and fire-training sites that use foam to
extinguish fires.
The chemicals are persistent because they don’t break down when exposed to air, water or sunlight, and can travel long distances, exposing people and other living things in environments thousands of miles away.
The chemicals are persistent because they don’t break down when exposed to air, water or sunlight, and can travel long distances, exposing people and other living things in environments thousands of miles away.
URI’s new Superfund
Research Program Center will rely on best available science and collaboration.
“This is an important
public-health issue,” said Judith Swift, director of URI’s Coastal
Institute. “These compounds need to be recognized and managed
Focused research
One of the two focus
areas of research is on Cape Cod, in and around Barnstable County, where PFASs
have entered drinking water from firefighting foams used at Joint Base Cape Cod
and the county fire training academy.
The other research area
is in the Faroe Islands, an archipelago between the Norwegian Sea and the North
Atlantic, about halfway between Norway and Iceland, where PFAS exposure is
largely from consumer goods, with small exposure tied to the consumption of
pilot whales caught by the local fishing industry.
“These compounds seem to
be a particular problem during early development, and our complex immune system
appears to be highly vulnerable,” Grandjean said.
“We are now carrying out in-depth examinations of a cohort of close to 500 children (in the Faroe Islands) that we have followed since they were born. We are determining if health problems they are experiencing can be traced to accumulated exposures or to previous exposures.”
“We are now carrying out in-depth examinations of a cohort of close to 500 children (in the Faroe Islands) that we have followed since they were born. We are determining if health problems they are experiencing can be traced to accumulated exposures or to previous exposures.”
He noted that PFASs are
making vaccinations less effective, contaminating drinking water, and finding
their way into human milk.
“These chemicals are in
mothers’ milk and they are compromising the immune system of young children,”
Grandjean said.
Grandjean and colleague
Elsie Sunderland will be studying how these industrial compounds accumulate in
water and in fish, and how exposures in children lead to changes in
immune-system functions and other health outcomes.
“We need to learn as
much as possible about these chemicals so that we can develop solutions to
better control toxic exposures,” Grandjean said. “Our findings will hopefully
provide new evidence on the need to limit current exposures and how to prevent
chemicals with similar properties from entering the environment. This is a tall
order and we know it.”
Community involvement
will be a priority on Cape Cod, as Superfund Research Program Center scientists
and staffers will work to keep the public and local officials informed about
the project’s progress and results.
Professional training also will be implemented to prepare a next generation of researchers who will be aware of all aspects of the contaminants and how to identify their presence.
Professional training also will be implemented to prepare a next generation of researchers who will be aware of all aspects of the contaminants and how to identify their presence.
“PFASs are truly
ubiquitous these days,” Lohmann said. “They can be found in polar bears, in all
major oceans, and in the blood of humans around the globe.”
As one of the few
national Superfund Research Program centers in the country — there’s also one
at Brown University —
Lohmann said the new URI-led center will work closely with communities and
scientists to share knowledge and help inform people about this growing
public-health problem.
A Dec. 4 morning press event at the Rhode Island Foundation was complemented that afternoon by an event in Hyannis, Mass., a Cape Cod community that has been working to address this issue for seven years.
Laurel Schaider, an
environmental chemist at the Silent Spring Institute, said the organization
will continue to expand its efforts with local communities to address PFAS
health effects and concerns. In 2010, the Silent Spring Institute discovered
PFAS in Cape Cod drinking water.
The institute’s 2016 study found
that pollutants from household wastewater can make their way into private
wells, and that backyard septic systems are likely to blame. The findings
reinforce growing concerns about the health risks posed by unregulated
chemicals in drinking water, such as PFAS, according to Schaider, the study’s
In tests of water
samples from private wells on Cape Cod, Silent Spring Institute researchers
found 27 unregulated contaminants, including a dozen different pharmaceuticals,
a variety of chemicals used in non-stick coatings, flame retardants and an
artificial sweetener.
Schaider said last
year’s study was the first to show septic systems as sources of PFASs in
drinking water from private wells. Given that 85 percent of residents on Cape
Cod rely on septic systems, she noted that the risk of contaminated water is a
real concern.
“These chemicals are so
widely used in products and we need to find out how they move through the
environment,” she said.
In August, URI received
a $8 million grant from the National Institute of Environmental
Health Sciences to research how these industrial compounds get
into water supplies and harm humans. The grant proposal took two years to
“There’s likely to be
bad news coming from this research,” Grandjean said. “We need to present it in
a constructive way ... to prevent this from happening again.”