Thursday, January 11, 2018

Healed seal will make Charlestown waters his new home

Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Program Provides New Lease on Life for Seal

The new year has provided a new lease on life for a young harbor seal named Snap Dragon. 

The parking lot of Blue Shutters Beach in Charlestown, RI overflowed with community members who came out to celebrate Snap Dragon’s return to his ocean environment following his four month rehabilitation at Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Clinic.

According to variations of human mythological beliefs, the snapdragon flower symbolizes graciousness and strength – qualities that had been ever-present in Snap Dragon since he arrived at the Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Clinic for rehabilitation.

Snap Dragon was rescued in Chatham, MA by the International Fund for Animal Welfare and was transferred to the Aquarium’s Rescue Clinic on September 13, 2017 to receive care for a fractured flipper and multiple wounds.

He also had several rocks in his stomach, something that is commonly found in many seal species.

Weighing approximately 37 pounds upon admit, Snap Dragon has gained roughly 8 pounds during his rehabilitation at Mystic Aquarium, making him a healthy 45 pound 8 month old at the time of his release.