the tipping point for sleep
of Oxford

have now shown how specialist nerve cells in the brains of fruit flies trigger
several key steps of falling asleep.
team at Oxford University’s Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour worked
with a small cluster of neurons that had previously been shown to put flies to
sleep when activated.
When the flies are awake the sleep-control neurons are turned off. The longer the flies are awake, the more tired they become, which eventually reaches a tipping point and activates the neurons.
When the flies are awake the sleep-control neurons are turned off. The longer the flies are awake, the more tired they become, which eventually reaches a tipping point and activates the neurons.
But the fact that the sleep-inducing neurons are only a tiny minority of all nerve cells posed a puzzle. Sleep entails some of the most profound and widespread changes our brains experience on a daily basis. How could so few cells control so much?
team have found that the sleep-inducing cells ‘gate’ – or regulate the flow of
electrical signals through – a node in the brain that is critical for all
aspects of sleep: the fly’s motor system – controlling movement – was
disconnected, preventing the animal from sleep-walking; the insect’s sensory
thresholds were increased, making it less aware of its surroundings; and the
‘sleep debt’ or tiredness that had accumulated during waking was cleared.
flies are widely used by scientists as a model organism to understand how
biological mechanisms work in larger, more complex organisms like humans. The
2017 Medicine Nobel Prize was awarded for discoveries concerning the body clock
in flies.
Gero Miesenboeck, Director of the Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour,
said: ‘The sleep-inducing neurons act as a brake on the very brain cells whose
activity causes tiredness. A beautifully simple system thus keeps sleep need
and sleep in the balance.
still don’t know why sleep debt builds up, what it consists of physically, how
it triggers the switch to sleep and how the accumulated sleep debt is cleared.
Finding the answers will help us solve the mystery of sleep.’
full paper, ‘Recurrent Circuitry for Balancing Sleep Need and Sleep’, can be read in the journal Neuron.