Both a Buckingham
Palace aide and a personal friend of the Princess back up this
Selina Scott, a personal friend of Diana and now a British TV journalist, said that Trump “bombarded Diana at Kensington Palace with massive bouquets of flowers,” and that he gave Diana “the creeps,” but as expected, the President of the United States has his own slant on what possibly could’ve been between the pair.
Selina Scott, a personal friend of Diana and now a British TV journalist, said that Trump “bombarded Diana at Kensington Palace with massive bouquets of flowers,” and that he gave Diana “the creeps,” but as expected, the President of the United States has his own slant on what possibly could’ve been between the pair.
A radio interview
has recently surfaced with Howard Stern from 1997, just weeks
after the tragic death of the Princess and her boyfriend, Dodi Al-Fayed, in
which Donald Trump boasts that he could have “nailed” the mother of two,
despite the fact that he thought she was “crazy.”
To add further insult to injury, Trump joked that he also would have made her take an HIV test. Bear in mind that Trump was still married to Maples at the time of this interview.
To add further insult to injury, Trump joked that he also would have made her take an HIV test. Bear in mind that Trump was still married to Maples at the time of this interview.
In a quick exchange
during the interview which the Washington Post claims was
posted on the Factbase website, Stern asks Trump, “Why do people
think it’s egotistical of you to say you could’ve gotten with Lady Di? You
could’ve gotten her, right? You could’ve nailed her?”
The now-President was direct in his reply; “I think I could have.” The pair then go back and forth acting out a scene of Trump forcing Princess Diana to undergo an HIV test.
“Go back over to my Lexus, because I have a new doctor,” says Trump, concluding the banter. “We wanna give you a little check-up.”
The now-President was direct in his reply; “I think I could have.” The pair then go back and forth acting out a scene of Trump forcing Princess Diana to undergo an HIV test.
“Go back over to my Lexus, because I have a new doctor,” says Trump, concluding the banter. “We wanna give you a little check-up.”
Donald Trump also made
it clear what he values in a woman and it certainly isn’t personality or, in
the case of Princess Diana, and unwavering dedication to humanitarianism,
saying that “she had times when she didn’t look great” but she was
“supermodel beautiful.”
He went on to add that “she had the height. She had magnificent skin.”
He went on to add that “she had the height. She had magnificent skin.”
It’s little wonder
that friends of the deceased Princess believe that Donald Trump gave her the
creeps. It looks like Prince Harry made the right move.
Author Tim Abel is a former
English teacher from Australia who currently lives in Singapore and spends a
lot of time traveling the world for his wife's work. Besides covering political
news for Addicting Info, he also writes his own blog, drtanstravels.com