Friday, May 18, 2018

Mystic Aquarium releases seal from Blue Shutters Beach

Homeward bound for rescued seal

Charlestown’s Blue Shutters Beach was once again the venue for the return of a rescued and rehabilitated seal to the delight of gathered onlookers.

Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Team set a male harp seal named Gilligan (as in the Island) free to live in the waters off our coast.

Gilligan was rescued in Georgetown, ME by Marine Mammals of Maine and was transferred to Mystic Aquarium’s Animal Rescue Clinic on March 20 where he began treatment for pneumonia.

While in the Aquarium’s care, Gilligan also received medication to help manage another mild ailment.

His weight fluctuated slightly due to his illness, but Gilligan otherwise maintained a healthy weight throughout his rehab and weighed approximately 66 pounds at the time of his release.

Mystic runs a wonderful program well worthy of your support.

The Animal Rescue Program supports animals in need and educates the public about the marine environment and its inhabitants. 

The public is encouraged to call the Aquarium’s 24-hour hotline at 860.572.5955 ext. 107 if they encounter a marine mammal or sea turtle in Conn., R.I. or Fishers Island, N.Y.  

Mystic Aquarium is a founding member of the Northeast Region Stranding Network. This network in comprised of organizations along the eastern sea coast which have facilities and trained staff to care for sick and injured animals. 

Marine Mammals are protected species, so only groups and facilities authorized by the National Marine Fisheries Service are permitted to handle these animals.

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