Thursday, June 21, 2018

Sen. Sheehan letter to Trump calls for end of family separation policy

33 Senators sign on but not, big surprise, Elaine Morgan

No automatic alt text available.Sen. James C. Sheehan (D-Dist. 36, North Kingstown, Narragansett) has penned a letter to President Donald Trump calling for the president to change a policy that has torn children away from their families at the U.S. border. The letter has been signed by 33 Rhode Island state senators.

The letter reads:

“Since children cannot be prosecuted along with their parents, this has naturally resulted in a disturbingly sharp rise in family separations. According to the Department of Homeland Security, nearly 2,000 immigrant children were separated from parents during six weeks in April and May.”

“The inevitable consequence of the administration’s zero-tolerance policy is that we are mercilessly ripping children away from their families, and causing psychological scars that may never heal. 

These are actions more suited to the despotic regimes of the past than a republic known throughout history for its humanitarianism... 

As such, we strongly urge you to abandon this abhorrent, reprehensible practice of separation of families — immediately. We can uphold the law; while showing compassion and understanding to our fellow man.”

Signature page below:

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