testosterone makes men prefer higher-status products
University of

Similar signals can be seen in the human population. A luxury car or watch, for example, may not-so-subtly convey the message that the owner has money and is not afraid to spend it.
New findings from the
largest study of its kind, led by Gideon Nave, an assistant marketing professor
at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, underscore a biological
factor at play in the choice of products conveying status: testosterone.
Giving men a single dose of testosterone increased their preference for higher-status goods.
Giving men a single dose of testosterone increased their preference for higher-status goods.
The study supports previous research that connects transient increases in testosterone levels to a rise in behaviors aimed at boosting social rank.
"We found a small
but consistent effect on preferences," Nave says. "The findings need
to be replicated, but we used a sample size that is four or five times larger
than what has been used before, so we have more evidence than we've ever had
that testosterone is affecting these preferences."
While the study,
published in Nature Communications, measured the participants'
preferences and positive attitudes about products, not actual purchases, Nave
says that the findings serve as a foundation for forecasting consumer behavior.
In evolutionary
biology, the presence of seemingly impractical ornaments such as the peacock's
tail or a stag's bulky antlers are explained by what's known as the handicap
While these displays would seem to diminish an animal's fitness, they serve to increase their attractiveness to a potential partner, as they suggest an individual has resources to spare and can thus afford to fritter away some on a frivolous investment.
While these displays would seem to diminish an animal's fitness, they serve to increase their attractiveness to a potential partner, as they suggest an individual has resources to spare and can thus afford to fritter away some on a frivolous investment.
"The idea is
these things are actually handicaps that the animals put on themselves,"
Nave says, "and by having them the animals show they are sufficiently fit
to have these handicaps."
One needn't look far
to find the same patterns in humans. A luxury product, say, a fancy watch,
tells the same time as an inexpensive digital one but also carries with it a
signal of social status.
"In some ways
this is similar to someone driving a limo or a Hummer or a Ferrari," says
Nave. "It's a way of showing or signaling that you can afford to do
With a background in
neuroscience and as a member of the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative, Nave uses
the tools of biology and marketing to understand how people make decisions.
A paper he published last year found that a single dose of testosterone, a hormone that regulates a variety of behaviors related to reproduction, caused men's performance on a test of decision-making ability to worsen.
A paper he published last year found that a single dose of testosterone, a hormone that regulates a variety of behaviors related to reproduction, caused men's performance on a test of decision-making ability to worsen.
Other researchers,
meanwhile, have linked testosterone to status-enhancing behaviors in men, but
previous studies had been conducted using small groups and in some cases hadn't
explicitly examined the link to preference for status goods.
The current study was
double-blinded and randomized and used a larger sample size than earlier
efforts, 243 men ages 18-55. Each participant received a gel to apply to his
upper body; some gels contained testosterone and others a placebo.
In one task,
participants were shown two logos of apparel brands selected to match their
perceived quality but differ in status, for example, higher-status Calvin Klein
versus lower-status Levis.
Those who received a dose of testosterone were significantly more likely to prefer the higher-status brands.
Those who received a dose of testosterone were significantly more likely to prefer the higher-status brands.
The second task
presented participants with descriptions of certain goods, such as watches,
coffeemakers, and sunglasses, as either power-enhancing, status-enhancing or
high-quality and asked about their attitudes toward the products.
Here, too, men who received a testosterone boost were more likely to express positive feelings about the items described as status-enhancing, though there was no difference between the groups when the goods were described as power-enhancing.
Here, too, men who received a testosterone boost were more likely to express positive feelings about the items described as status-enhancing, though there was no difference between the groups when the goods were described as power-enhancing.
"We were trying
to disentangle power from status," Nave says. "Typically in the
animal kingdom they go together, but you can think of examples in human society
where they don't. For example, a border patrol agent has a lot of power but not
status. And a famous climate scientist may have a lot of status but little
Nave notes that
testosterone naturally rises in men in certain contexts, such as during and
after sporting events, or subsequent to major life events like a graduation or
Marketers could take advantage of these oscillations to tailor their marketing strategies to these individuals.
In addition, because such status-seeking behaviors can exacerbate inequality if someone overspends on a status item when they can't afford it, further understanding of the biological drivers of the behavior could prove useful.
Marketers could take advantage of these oscillations to tailor their marketing strategies to these individuals.
In addition, because such status-seeking behaviors can exacerbate inequality if someone overspends on a status item when they can't afford it, further understanding of the biological drivers of the behavior could prove useful.
Nave was lead author
on the study. His coauthors were Amos Nadler of Western University, David
Dubois and Hilke Plassmann of INSEAD, David Zava of ZRT Laboratory, and Colin
Camerer of the California Institute of Technology.
The study was
supported by INSEAD Research and Development funds, the MacArthur Foundation,
the Ivey Business School, the International Foundation for Experimental
Economics, the Russell Sage Foundation, the Wharton Neuroscience Initiative, and
the Wharton-INSEAD alliance.