Medicare For All Saves
$2 Trillion
Terry H. Schwadron, DCReport New York Editor

That’s the main idea,
of course: You pay protection money against the possibilities of a disaster.
And we all chip in with tax money for the protection of whole coastal cities,
towns in the paths of tornadoes or areas where volcanoes spew. We don’t think
of it as a tax or a burden even; rather, we expect to help out neighbors who’ve
run into unexpected trouble.
But somehow when we
face the same issue involving the most basic disaster, the devastation of
health through illness, we get all tangled up in convoluted debates about
mandatory obligations, crushing taxes that halt investment and job-killing
A new report – from an
unlikely source – now underscores the obvious truths about medical care for
all, one of the most troubling underlying issues of the day and certainly for
November’s mid-term elections.
The libertarian-leaning Mercatus Center report lays out the overall costs of medical care for the country over the next decade or so and tries to deal intelligently with getting that overall cost under better control.
The libertarian-leaning Mercatus Center report lays out the overall costs of medical care for the country over the next decade or so and tries to deal intelligently with getting that overall cost under better control.
The cost to the federal
government and to tax payments would rise, of course, but the overall number
would fall.
In the report, the author attempts to roughly score Sen. Bernie Sanders’ most recent Medicare for All bill and reached the somewhat surprising (for Mercatus) conclusion that if the bill were enacted the new costs would be more than offset by the new savings it generates through administrative efficiencies and reductions in unit prices, said one analysis.
Along the way, 30 million additional Americans would be covered while saving billions of dollars.
That overall cost runs
in the trillions of dollars, of course – the report calls it $32 trillion over
the next decade — without regard to where the money comes from to pay doctors’
bills, hospital costs, prescriptions or the costs to productivity from absence
from the workplace.
The report then shows logically that were a Medicare-for-All insurance in place in this country, those same overall costs would drop by at least $2 trillion over time.
The report then shows logically that were a Medicare-for-All insurance in place in this country, those same overall costs would drop by at least $2 trillion over time.
The cost to the
federal government and to tax payments would rise but the overall number
would fall – just as with flooding costs as subsidized by national flood
insurance subsidies.
That’s what happens
when people actually can arrange for preventive health treatments, when medical
treatments are available nationwide and when health care needn’t come at the
expense of being able to pay the rent or feed a family or send a kid to
Extending Medicare to all is an argument to provide basic coverage for health while still leaving room for private payments for supplemental insurance.
Extending Medicare to all is an argument to provide basic coverage for health while still leaving room for private payments for supplemental insurance.
It is an idea that
should appeal to an allegedly populist president and consumers, to insurers, to
medical providers and to politicians in need of solutions to a sticky problem.
But, of course, it doesn’t because naturally, that projected rise in taxes is the scourge of Republican doctrine and that same Medicare for all approach remains the darling of Democrats.
The Republicans talk about reducing taxes for individuals and skip actual health concerns; Democrats worry about health and personal choice for treatment while going easy on how to fund the effort.
But, of course, it doesn’t because naturally, that projected rise in taxes is the scourge of Republican doctrine and that same Medicare for all approach remains the darling of Democrats.
The Republicans talk about reducing taxes for individuals and skip actual health concerns; Democrats worry about health and personal choice for treatment while going easy on how to fund the effort.
Now the kicker is this
– that institute is backed by David and Charles Koch, the conservative funders
of strict Republicanism.
As such, it is an especially significant development that this financial argument for a “liberal” healthcare idea actually comes from a generally conservative source.
As such, it is an especially significant development that this financial argument for a “liberal” healthcare idea actually comes from a generally conservative source.
What got the headlines was the projected rise in government
spending to pay for Medicare for all, not the savings in overall health costs.
Maybe, just maybe,
there is a chance for actually reasoned argument to emerge on a topic of
extreme importance. Maybe, just maybe we can have an actual discussion about
health rather than doctrinaire political “isms.”
Just as former President Richard Nixon was the one to break the silence with China and Trump with North Korea, perhaps the Koch brothers can help create a logic bridge about healthcare delivery costs from a different perspective.
Just as former President Richard Nixon was the one to break the silence with China and Trump with North Korea, perhaps the Koch brothers can help create a logic bridge about healthcare delivery costs from a different perspective.
For one thing, the new
healthcare report does something that seems alien to the Trump administration –
actual thought about a problem with a practical, predictable result that may
result in higher taxes for greater societal good. Wow.
Of course, as it
happens, the Koch brothers have not-so-mysteriously found themselves in the
Trump crosshairs for daring to believe in global economics rather than the
president’s America First tariffs ideas. This week, Trump turned his tweeting
guns on the brothers to call them out for opposing him, just as he would
Democratic foes.
Trump and his
administration continue to believe that tax reduction at any cost is the best
guide for the country, results be damned. Rather than talking about improving
people’s health, Trump’s folks have worked overtime to undercut remaining
portions of Obamacare – the law of the land.
His goal is to reduce the cost of individual health policies – without acknowledging that he is reducing actual health delivery – and remove the government from any role in providing health care to anyone but federal employees and military veterans.
His goal is to reduce the cost of individual health policies – without acknowledging that he is reducing actual health delivery – and remove the government from any role in providing health care to anyone but federal employees and military veterans.
Thinking for the
long-term does not come easily to this White House in particular. If it did, we
wouldn’t be facing near-future problems from global warming, energy shortages
or pockets of hunger — or even an intelligent approach to job training and job
creation that is linked with rational education and labor policies.
Still, the Trumpists
do support building up the military – not for the moment, but toward a vision
of continuing American military strength as a diplomatic weapon as well as for
combat readiness.
And the tax cut thinking that comes out of the White House may be crafted for a rather immediate boost to economic growth, but seems to be sold on its continuing contribution to a more productive and prosperous nation (not that is working out that way in actual effects).
And the tax cut thinking that comes out of the White House may be crafted for a rather immediate boost to economic growth, but seems to be sold on its continuing contribution to a more productive and prosperous nation (not that is working out that way in actual effects).
Bizarre as it may seem
for Democrats to turn to thank the Koch brothers, it would be a most
interesting turn of events to see Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, for example,
take a meeting with the Kochs to open a new front in the healthcare wars. Who
knows, it might even help even the political odds?
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