Report Was Prepared at
the Behest of Trump’s and Perry’s Big Coal Campaign Donor
Sarah Okeson

Keeping uneconomic
power plants open for two more years could cost $34 billion to offset operating shortfalls.
That price tag could double if the payments also included return on invested capital as Energy Secretary Rick Perry wanted to do last year.
That price tag could double if the payments also included return on invested capital as Energy Secretary Rick Perry wanted to do last year.
Robert Powelson, a former member of
the Federal
Energy Regulatory Commission, called plans to prop up coal and
nuclear power plants by invoking a 1950 law “the greatest federal mortal hazard we’ve seen in years.”
Perry, who claims that
closing coal and nuclear power plants would threaten national security, met and literally embraced coal magnate Robert Murray, the CEO of Murray Energy Corp., in March 2017, just
28 days after he was confirmed by the Senate.
Murray and Murray Energy employees donated more than $115,000 to Perry’s failed 2012 presidential campaign and more than $300,000 to the Trump presidential race.
Murray and Murray Energy employees donated more than $115,000 to Perry’s failed 2012 presidential campaign and more than $300,000 to the Trump presidential race.
Murray gave Perry a
plan to “assist in the survival of our country’s coal industry” that
stressed grid reliability.
Perry tried and failed to get the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to approve payments for some coal-fired power plants and nuclear reactors to help them stay in business. FERC voted unanimously against it.
Perry tried and failed to get the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to approve payments for some coal-fired power plants and nuclear reactors to help them stay in business. FERC voted unanimously against it.
In March, DOE’s National
Energy Technology Laboratory published a study looking at the bomb
cyclone, the deep freeze that blanketed much of the eastern
United States from Dec. 27 to Jan. 8. The study purported to find that the U.S.
would have suffered severe electricity shortages, and perhaps widespread
blackouts, without coal-fired power plants.
The study cherry-picked data to support coal and
ignored our existing backups to provide power during extreme weather.
Ken Kern, one of the co-authors, vented in emails about government officials, including FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre who told senators there was “no immediate calamity or threat” to the power grid because of expected closures of coal and nuclear power plants.
“We need to push
beyond this apparent bureaucratic resistance or incompetence and
to acknowledge to ourselves that the need for adequate compensation exists,”
Kern wrote.
The day after the study was released, FirstEnergy
Solutions Corp., which buys
coal from Murray Energy, asked the Department of Energy for
emergency financial help, citing the Federal Power Act which lets the federal
government keep power plants open in times of emergency or war.
Action Box/What You
Can Do About It
Call Rick Perry at
202-586-5000 to let him know your thoughts about subsidizing polluters who will
make our planet hotter or write him at 1000 Independence Ave. SW, Washington,
D.C. 20585. He is also on Twitter and Facebook.
Contact the FERC
commissioners to urge them not to raise our electric rates to benefit outdated
coal and nuclear plants.
Chairman Kevin McIntyre is at 202-502-8000.
Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur is 202-502-8961.
Commissioner Neil Chatterjee is at 202-502-6477.
Commissioner Richard Glick is at 202-502-6530.
You can also write the commissioners at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 1st St. NE, Washington D.C, 20426.
Chairman Kevin McIntyre is at 202-502-8000.
Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur is 202-502-8961.
Commissioner Neil Chatterjee is at 202-502-6477.
Commissioner Richard Glick is at 202-502-6530.
You can also write the commissioners at Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 1st St. NE, Washington D.C, 20426.
Donate to
the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal campaign to support closing
outdated, polluting coal plants.