At any age, daily drinkers 20% more likely to die prematurely than less frequent drinkers
Washington University School of

Analyzing data from more than
400,000 people ages 18 to 85, the researchers found that consuming one to two
drinks four or more times per week -- an amount deemed healthy by current
guidelines -- increases the risk of premature death by 20 percent, compared
with drinking three times a week or less. The increased risk of death was
consistent across age groups.
The study is published online Oct. 3
in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research.
"It used to seem like having one or two drinks per day was no big deal, and there even have been some studies suggesting it can improve health," said first author Sarah M. Hartz, MD, PhD, an assistant professor of psychiatry. "But now we know that even the lightest daily drinkers have an increased mortality risk."
Although some earlier studies have
linked light drinking to improvements in cardiovascular health, Hartz said the
new study shows that those potential gains are outweighed by other risks.
Her team evaluated heart disease risk and cancer risk and found that although in some cases, drinking alcohol may reduce risk of heart-related problems, daily drinking increased cancer risk and, as a result, mortality risk.
Her team evaluated heart disease risk and cancer risk and found that although in some cases, drinking alcohol may reduce risk of heart-related problems, daily drinking increased cancer risk and, as a result, mortality risk.
"Consuming one or two drinks
about four days per week seemed to protect against cardiovascular disease, but
drinking every day eliminated those benefits," she said. "With regard
to cancer risk, any drinking at all was detrimental."
The new study comes on the heels of
research published in The Lancet, which reviewed data from more than 700
studies around the world and concluded that the safest level of drinking is
none. But that study looked at all types of drinking -- from light alcohol
consumption to binge drinking.
The Washington University team analysis focused on light drinkers: those who consumed only one or two drinks a day.
The Washington University team analysis focused on light drinkers: those who consumed only one or two drinks a day.
The Washington University study
focused on two large groups of people in the United States: 340,668
participants, ages 18-85, in the National Health Interview Survey, and another
93,653 individuals, ages 40-60 who were treated as outpatients at Veterans
Administration clinics.
"A 20 percent increase in risk
of death is a much bigger deal in older people who already are at higher
risk," Hartz explained. "Relatively few people die in their 20s, so a
20 percent increase in mortality is small but still significant. As people age,
their risk of death from any cause also increases, so a 20 percent risk
increase at age 75 translates into many more deaths than it does at age 25."
She predicted that as medicine
becomes more personalized, some doctors may recommend that people with family
histories of heart problems have a drink from time to time, but in families
with a history of cancer, physicians may recommend abstinence.
"If you tailor medical
recommendations to an individual person, there may be situations under which
you would think that occasional drinking potentially could be helpful,"
she said. "But overall, I do think people should no longer consider a
glass of wine a day to somehow be healthy."