Among other countries we are ranked
104th in the world when it comes to female representation in government.
Five places behind Saudi Arabia! Hell, we’re almost 40 spots behind Iraq… Yes. You heard me: BEHIND IRAQ.
Five places behind Saudi Arabia! Hell, we’re almost 40 spots behind Iraq… Yes. You heard me: BEHIND IRAQ.
How long before men realize that
women are their equals? After last week, we can probably make the argument that
we are more than equal. Everyone of those GOP Senators expected an overly
emotional, erratic and maybe even hysterical witness… and let me tell you Brett
Kavanaugh did not disappoint.
If I were Brett, I’d be worried that
The Donald might now try to grab his pussy.
Christine Ford managed to stay calm
and respectful for 4 hours. Brett couldn’t last 2 minutes before he
came undone.
And speaking of undone, Lindsey
Graham deserves an award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role for his portrayal
of Donald Trump’s new girlfriend. Move over Stormy Daniels. Hurricane
Graham has arrived.
To be clear, Brett Kavanaugh is indeed innocent until proven guilty. And it’s not search and destroy like Kavanaugh and Trump want us to believe.
It’s about making sure the truth
comes out. After all, if there is nothing to find, then it doesn’t matter how
hard you search.
When a woman finds the courage to
speak about sexual assault, she deserves to be heard. And hearing her means
taking the time to fully investigate in hopes of uncovering the truth.
And if that means men need to be a
little scared, so be it. We women have been living scared all our lives. If you
are worried for your sons, I have one piece of advice for you. Teach them to
respect women. Problem solved.
But I don’t even know why I am
wasting my time writing this. For the love of God, Republicans just
elected a man who was videotaped bragging about assault.
Are we really surprised they think a
calendar showing exercise workouts during the 80’s is proof enough of
If you are a Republican woman, I
hope you are paying attention. It doesn’t matter how accomplished, how
intelligent or how credible you are. You will be ignored, dismissed and even
smeared if you stand between a Republican man and his path to power… regardless
of what evidence you have or don’t have.
If it happens in their teens,
it’s boys will be boys, and if it happens as adults, it’s
just locker room talk.
Evidently Republicans are just fine electing men who sexually harass and assault women.
Evidently Republicans are just fine electing men who sexually harass and assault women.
Honestly, how do Lisa Murkowski and
Susan Collins sleep at night?
It’s been almost thirty years since
the Anita Hill testimony, and we women continue to be ignored about sexual
harassment, assault and rape at the hands of powerful men.
There have been 52 total women in the United States Senate since its establishment in 1789. And one of those women simply served for one day.
There have been 52 total women in the United States Senate since its establishment in 1789. And one of those women simply served for one day.
Until 2001, the most common way for
a woman to become a US Senator was to be appointed following the death or
resignation of a husband or father who previously held the seat.
Today there are 21 female Senators –
16 Democrats and 5 Republicans… well 6 depending on which column you place
Lindsey Graham. Quite frankly, he lacks the humanity to be in either.
Imagine how differently things could be if there were 50.
The late Governor Ann Richards liked
to say, “Life isn’t one thing after another. It’s the same damn thing
over and over again.”
Well, I am tired of fighting this fight over and over again. This November we have more women than ever running for elected office, and I for one plan to vote for them early and often. I mean it.
Well, I am tired of fighting this fight over and over again. This November we have more women than ever running for elected office, and I for one plan to vote for them early and often. I mean it.