Saul has no background in the field he's been chosen to lead.

other Trump nominees, Saul has no background in the field he was chosen to
He did, however, serve on the board of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a right-wing think tank whose visiting fellows include Charles Murray, a race scientist who has argued that white people are intellectually superior to Black and Latinx individuals, and Abigail Thernstrom, political scientist who believes that affirmative action programs set Black children up for failure and that race barriers in America were eliminated when President Barack Obama was elected.
He did, however, serve on the board of the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research, a right-wing think tank whose visiting fellows include Charles Murray, a race scientist who has argued that white people are intellectually superior to Black and Latinx individuals, and Abigail Thernstrom, political scientist who believes that affirmative action programs set Black children up for failure and that race barriers in America were eliminated when President Barack Obama was elected.
Manhattan Institute has published a number of articles advocating drastic cuts to Social Security
benefits, an ideology that is in direct conflict with the role of the
Commissioner Of Social Security.
One article published by the organization describes current Social Security payments as “simply too generous.”
One article published by the organization describes current Social Security payments as “simply too generous.”
Security advocates this week spoke out against Saul’s nomination, fearing even
more cuts to a program that 63 million retired and disabled Americans rely on.
Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works, compared him to Trump and
Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.
“Saul graduated from The Wharton School in 1968, the same year as Donald Trump. Like Trump and many of Trump’s appointees, including Brett Kavanaugh, Saul appears to believe that his wealth and privilege should make him above the law,” Lawson said in a statement.
is not a man who should be in charge of Social Security, a program that is an
essential lifeline for over 60 million Americans and their families,” he added.
“A vote for Andrew Saul is a vote against Social Security. The Senate Finance
Committee must reject this nomination.”
criticism can arguably be attributed to an incident in 2012, when Saul
allegedly impersonated a police commissioner to get out of a trespassing
to The New York Post, Saul, then 65, was bicycling
at a reservoir in Westchester County in April that year, when witnesses said he
stopped to lift his bike over a barrier, in order to ride beyond a “no-trespassing
sign and across the dam.”
officer assigned to the Department of Environmental Protection [DEP] ordered
Saul to stop, the sources said. But when the cop turned his head to continue
his conversation with a couple walking nearby, Saul hopped back on his bike and
tried to ride off,” the Post reported.
“Sources said the DEP officer grabbed Saul and the two men crashed to the ground during the Feb. 4 clash. That’s when Saul claimed he was a police commissioner […].”
“Sources said the DEP officer grabbed Saul and the two men crashed to the ground during the Feb. 4 clash. That’s when Saul claimed he was a police commissioner […].”
to the DEP, Saul was allowed to go home and get his identification. When he
returned, he showed the officer an MTA Police Department card, which the Post
noted were typically given out to civilian officials as a “courtesy.”
officials later confirmed they had stopped Saul but did not
elaborate on claims he had presented himself as a police officer.
Trump, Saul also has also been the target of criticism over his many business
conflicts of interest. In 2007, following a brief campaign, he was
forced to drop his congressional bid in New York, after federal election
officials claimed he had accepted unethical campaign donations from
two developers vying for the right to build residential and commercial
complexes over railyards owned by the MTA.
nomination comes as both Social Security and Medicare face drastic
depletion. The government projected in June that Medicare funds would be
decimated by 2026, three
years earlier than estimated.
has repeatedly accused the Democrats of trying to “raid” or “rob” Social
Security, saying that the two programs have never been stronger than under his administration,
but those claims are not supported by fact.
GOP tax bill, largely touted by Trump as his biggest legislative achievement so
far, has further strained Social Security and Medicare benefits because fewer
taxes collected from Americans means less money being invested in the programs.
reality is not lost on many Republicans. Though the cost of the tax bill
increased the federal deficit, budget hawks who emphatically voted for the
trillion dollar legislation have suddenly become concerned with spending — and
Social Security programs are first on their list of items to cut.
Steve Stivers (R-OH) urged “entitlement reform” in August, telling CNBC, “I do
think we need to deal with some of our spending. We’ve got try to figure out
how to spend less.”
Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI), a major proponent of the GOP tax bill, said outright
that Social Security and Medicare should be cut in order to tame the ballooning
going to have to get back next year at entitlement reform, which is how you
tackle the debt and the deficit,” Ryan said during December appearance on
Ross Kaminsky’s talk radio show. “…Frankly, it’s the health care
entitlements that are the big drivers of our debt, so we spend more time on
the health care entitlements — because that’s really where the
problem lies, fiscally speaking.”