Eased rules on kickbacks from Big Pharma to docs will cost you money
An article inside The
New York Times outlined a quiet campaign under
way to bring in exactly those forces who have participated in payments intended
to influence care for people on Medicare or Medicaid seemingly to make it
easier to do so.
As overall policy
goes, it’s not earthshaking but seems an important indicator about direction.
Deregulation is not the solution for every problem, as seems this
administration’s strategy.
The stated goal is to invite health professionals into a discussion to save costs while improving care “has touched off a lobbying frenzy,” the Times reported.
“Health care providers of all types are urging officials to waive or roll back the requirements of federal fraud and abuse laws so they can join forces and coordinate care, sharing cost reductions and profits in ways that would not otherwise be allowed.”
This is about protecting
payments to doctors and hospitals from Big Pharma to help sell their goods at
full retail value.
Coordinating sounds
good, but this is about protecting payments to doctors and hospitals from Big Pharma
to help sell their goods at full retail value by prescribing their use by
patients who depend on doctors to understanding one medicine from the next.
In the last few weeks,
we’ve been reading about highly placed doctors at Sloan Kettering Hospital in
New York, for example, who have been involved in the development of particular
drugs that they then prescribed to patients. The hospital and the doctors were
forced to resign or to distance themselves from the pharmaceutical connection.
The practices represent
issues of ethics that can cross over into legal charges of fraud.
Why the federal
government – believers to a fault in the marketplace creating its own rules –
thinks that eliminating regulations in this area is helpful prompts some
upside-down thinking.
The logic apparently
is this: Federal laws prevent insurers from rewarding Medicare patients who
lose weight or take medicines as prescribed. And they create legal risks for
any arrangement in which a hospital pays a bonus to doctors for cutting costs
or achieving clinical goals.
With more than 100
million Americans using Medicare or Medicaid, cutting such costs can add up to
eventual governmental savings.
But preventing
improper influence over choices of doctors, hospitals and prescription drugs is
a wider ethical issue. Federal laws make it a crime to offer or pay any
“remuneration” in return for the referral of Medicare or Medicaid patients, and
they limit doctors’ ability to refer patients to medical businesses in which
the doctors have a financial interest, a practice known as self-referral.
Even the government
itself must find this idea complicated since the Justice Department and other
law enforcement agencies area regularly crack down on reports of health care
fraud, exposing schemes to cheat government health programs.
The Times quoted
Philadelphia lawyer James Pepper, who suggested that “The administration is
inviting companies in the health care industry to write a ‘get out of jail free
card’ for themselves, which they can use if they are investigated or
Others suggested that,
as in other industries, over-regulation gets in the way of cost-cutting on
hospital costs or other health care areas.
The Times noted that
hospitals often say they want to reward doctors who meet certain goals for
improving the health of patients, reducing the length of hospital stays and
preventing readmissions.
But federal courts have held that the anti-kickback statute can be violated if even one purpose of the remuneration is to induce referrals or generate business for the hospital.
But federal courts have held that the anti-kickback statute can be violated if even one purpose of the remuneration is to induce referrals or generate business for the hospital.
The premise of the
kickback and self-referral laws is that health care providers should make
medical decisions based on the needs of patients, not on the financial
interests of doctors or other providers.
The Trump administration
is calling its effort a “regulatory sprint to coordinated care.”
Health care providers
can be fined if they offer financial incentives to Medicare or Medicaid
patients to use their services or products.
Drug companies have been found to violate the law when they give kickbacks to pharmacies in return for recommending their drugs to patients. Hospitals can also be fined if they make payments to a doctor “as an inducement to reduce or limit services” provided to a Medicare or Medicaid beneficiary.
Drug companies have been found to violate the law when they give kickbacks to pharmacies in return for recommending their drugs to patients. Hospitals can also be fined if they make payments to a doctor “as an inducement to reduce or limit services” provided to a Medicare or Medicaid beneficiary.
A health care provider
who violates the anti-kickback or self-referral law may face business-crippling
fines under the False Claims Act and can be excluded from Medicare and
Federal law generally prevents insurers and health care providers from offering free or discounted goods and services to Medicare and Medicaid patients if the gifts are likely to influence a patient’s choice of a particular provider.
Hospital executives say the law creates potential problems when they want to offer social services, free meals, transportation vouchers or housing assistance to patients in the community.
Federal law generally prevents insurers and health care providers from offering free or discounted goods and services to Medicare and Medicaid patients if the gifts are likely to influence a patient’s choice of a particular provider.
Hospital executives say the law creates potential problems when they want to offer social services, free meals, transportation vouchers or housing assistance to patients in the community.
As noted, the line
between patient assistance and marketing tactics is sometimes vague.
But I find it somewhat
of an abdication of governmental authority to turn, whether intended or not, to
lobbyists to ask them for recommendations on regulations to rein in the
excesses of their clients.