partnerships, reduced stigma are key to solving opioid crisis, experts say

That’s according to
Michael Botticelli, former director of the White House Office of National Drug
Control Policy, who served as keynote speaker at an Oct. 23 panel discussion on
science-based solutions to the opioid crisis. The event, held at Brown
University, was convened by Brown and the American Academy of Arts and
Given the scale of the
public health crisis and the need for innovative solutions, Botticelli, who now
directs the Grayken Center for Addiction at Boston Medical Center, emphasized
the importance of including members of the affected community in policymaking.
“At the height of the HIV-AIDS epidemic, there was an expression that those affected often used as they talked about the inclusion of people who were affected as part of the solutions to the problem,” Botticelli said. “That was: ‘Nothing about us without us.’ I think it’s a clarion call for our work here today about how we involve affected communities, affected people, active drug users, into the highest level of policymaking.”
Botticelli moderated
the panel, which included Rebecca Boss, director of the Rhode Island Department
of Behavioral Healthcare, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals, and Brown
University researchers Traci Green, Brandon Marshall and Dr. Josiah Rich.
Keynote speaker and
panel moderator Michael Botticelli, former director of the White House Office
of National Drug Control Policy and executive director of the Grayken Center
for Addiction at Boston Medical Center, emphasized the importance of including
members of the affected community in policymaking in complex public health
and social issues such as the opioid crisis.
The need for
partnerships — not just with affected individuals, but among researchers,
health care providers, elected officials and others — emerged as a common theme
in panel discussion.
Rich highlighted Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo’s Overdose Prevention and Intervention Task Force, on which he serves as an adviser, as an illustration of the type of partnership among policymakers, researchers and community members that can be successful.
“This is a very
complex problem,” said Rich, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at Brown.
“To address this, you don’t just need scientists developing new medications.
You don’t just need clinicians making better treatments… We need that and more.
We need all hands on deck.”
Green, an adjunct
associate professor of emergency medicine and epidemiology at Brown, noted that
partnerships with public safety officers and first responders have been
critical — not only because they've helped increase the use of naloxone, a
medication that rapidly reverses the effects of overdose, but also for getting
more voices to the table.
Boss, who co-chairs
the Rhode Island task force, said that building partnerships within affected
communities can save lives, treat addiction and change perceptions about people
with opioid use disorders.
She said a new treatment center in Newport found success largely because it forged relationships with local businesses, law enforcement and community members before it opened.
She said a new treatment center in Newport found success largely because it forged relationships with local businesses, law enforcement and community members before it opened.
“Any partner in this discussion is the right partner…” Boss said. “Look at the movement of Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the influence that had. We have mothers who are getting angry, and angry mothers can move mountains.”
Confronting stigma
Botticelli noted that
for an epidemic to proliferate, conditions must be ripe. He said that
a strong stigma against people with substance use disorders, combined with
the treatment of addiction as a law enforcement problem rather than a health
care challenge, were two major factors that led to the opioid crisis.
Marshall, an associate
professor of epidemiology at Brown’s School of Public Health, said that he
continues to see stigma as one of the most significant barriers to new
"[There is an]
ongoing stigma and stereotyping of people who use drugs as not wanting to
change — not wanting help," Marshall said. "Those false
stereotypes prevent implementation of a lot of research and a lot of
interventions that we know work.”
Boss added that
medication for addiction treatment, which has been proven to save lives, is
also often stigmatized as less than 'true' recovery.
Rich added that stigma against medication for addiction treatment can even extend to medical practitioners, some of whom have resisted taking the training required by the Drug Abuse Treatment Act (DATA) in order to prescribe medications for the treatment of opioid use disorders.
Rich added that stigma against medication for addiction treatment can even extend to medical practitioners, some of whom have resisted taking the training required by the Drug Abuse Treatment Act (DATA) in order to prescribe medications for the treatment of opioid use disorders.
Only 4 percent of
doctors have the DATA waiver, Botticelli said, and less than half of those with
the waiver regularly prescribe medications for opioid use disorders. He praised
the Warren Alpert Medical School’s award-winning curriculum, which trains students to diagnose and treat
For individuals confronting addition, Marshall said, positive interactions that cast the stigma aside — in contexts such as sterile syringe exchanges, for example — could not only reduce immediate health risks but could also start a longer-term path to treatment and recovery.
U.S. Sen. Sheldon
Whitehouse of Rhode Island introduced Botticelli’s keynote and spoke of his
experience working in Congress toward the eventual passage of the Comprehensive
Addiction and Recovery Act of 2016. He said he has seen progress toward reduced
“The manner in which
[the act] passed... confirmed that a lot of the stigma that had been the dark
shadow on this medical issue has abated,” Whitehouse said. “We did not have
colleagues saying, ‘This is a moral failing and these people need to be locked
up and gotten off the streets’… People understood this was a medical issue
[and] it does require treatment, and for that to work, we need research.”
Brown’s Office of the
Vice President for Research partnered with the American Academy of Arts and
Sciences to convene the event. University President Christina Paxson offered
opening remarks and noted the critical role that researchers at Brown and
elsewhere play in creating science-based solutions.
Green and Rich, for example, are principal investigators for a new $11.8 M Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Opioids and Overdose. Marshall has conducted research on the effectiveness of fentanyl test strips to reduce overdoses and peer recovery support interventions.
All four panelists, led by Green, conducted research that found medications for addiction treatment in prisons significantly reduced overdose deaths among those who had been recently released.
Green and Rich, for example, are principal investigators for a new $11.8 M Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) on Opioids and Overdose. Marshall has conducted research on the effectiveness of fentanyl test strips to reduce overdoses and peer recovery support interventions.
All four panelists, led by Green, conducted research that found medications for addiction treatment in prisons significantly reduced overdose deaths among those who had been recently released.
Paxson credited those
efforts and others for a 4 percent reduction in opioid-related deaths in Rhode
Island in 2017 compared to 2016.
“Research into opioid
abuse is an urgent national priority,” Paxson said. “Against this very bleak
national picture, Rhode Island has offered reasons for hope.”