Journal, Rhode Island Trades and Professional Organizations Urge Support of
Question 2

With the approval of
the $70 million bond, Rhode Island College will undertake $25 million in
critical facility improvements that will transform teacher education.
cutting-edge space and technology enhancements, innovative approaches to
cooperative and practical learning will be implemented and expanded, providing
education students at RIC with the tools to become more responsive to all K-12
students, including English language learners and students with special needs.
Passage of the bond
will also allow for $45 million in facility investments at the University of
Rhode Island’s Narragansett Bay Campus. A new Ocean Technology building, an
infrastructure upgrade to the pier to accommodate a new, $125 million National
Science Foundation research vessel, and other vital enhancements, will keep URI
researchers on the forefront of marine science and education.
These enhancements
will support URI’s critical role in ocean sciences, coastal planning and the
monitoring and protection of the Narragansett Bay, for the benefit of all Rhode
The following
organizations have, to date, placed their support behind the passage of
Question 2:
- The Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce
- Rhode Island Association of School Principals
- The Providence Journal
- Save The Bay
- EcoRI news
- The Valley Breeze
- Rhode Island Association of School Committees
- Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce
- Newport County Chamber of Commerce
- The Associated General Contractors of America
- The East Greenwich Chamber of Commerce
- Southern New England Defense Industry Alliance (SENEDIA)
- Rhode Island Marine Trades Association
- The Rhode Island AFL-CIO
- The Providence Foundation
- Rhode Island Federation of Teachers and Health Professionals
- National Education Association of Rhode Island
For more information
Question 2, visit