Amherst, University of Washington predictive model suggests surge in weed
ecologist Kristina Stinson at UMass Amherst, who leads a research team that has
been studying this plant for over a decade – particularly how it responds to elevated
CO2 levels – worked with climate modeler and corresponding author Michael Case
at UW on this project. Details appear online in the journal PLOS One.
point out that though the weed is expected to expand its range, this could be
moderated by the plant’s own sensitivity to climate variability.
For example, they note that in their analysis, ragweed is negatively correlated to very low or very high annual precipitation variability, “indicating a general sensitivity to precipitation extremes” as well as temperature extremes, the authors note.
Stinson adds that this could turn out to be an important uncertainty; “if the Northeast turns more wet and cool, it would be less hospitable to ragweed,” she says.
For example, they note that in their analysis, ragweed is negatively correlated to very low or very high annual precipitation variability, “indicating a general sensitivity to precipitation extremes” as well as temperature extremes, the authors note.
Stinson adds that this could turn out to be an important uncertainty; “if the Northeast turns more wet and cool, it would be less hospitable to ragweed,” she says.
“One reason we chose to study ragweed is because of its human health implications. Ragweed pollen is the primary allergen culprit for hay fever symptoms in summer and fall in North America, so it affects a lot of people,” the plant ecologist notes.
better understand how climate change may affect the distribution of common
ragweed, Stinson and Case built a maximum entropy, Maxent, predictive model
using climate and bioclimatic data and observations across the eastern U.S.
They used data from the Denmark-based Global Biodiversity Information Facility, a project that provides hundreds of millions of species occurrence records worldwide, plus plant data from herbarium records like those housed at UMass Amherst.
They used data from the Denmark-based Global Biodiversity Information Facility, a project that provides hundreds of millions of species occurrence records worldwide, plus plant data from herbarium records like those housed at UMass Amherst.
says, “We zoomed in on 700 data points for ragweed from all across its range in
North America, and paired that information with another database that specifies
climate in each of those exact locations. We then used climate change models to
project forward in time what might be expected to occur.”
authors also point out, “After building and testing our model, we then
projected potential future common ragweed distribution using a suite of 13
global climate models under two future greenhouse gas scenarios for mid- and
late-century. In addition to providing geo-referenced hot spots of potential
future expansion, we also provide a metric of confidence by evaluating the
number of global climate models that agree.”
model suggests a “substantial contraction” of common ragweed may loom in
central Florida, the southern Appalachian Mountains and northeast Virginia,
along with areas of potential expansion at the northern margins of its
current distribution, in particular in the northeast U.S.
adds, “What I found quite interesting is not so much that ragweed’s range is
going to expand, because that’s what one might expect for a weedy species, but
I was interested in seeing where it is most likely to spread and where we might
see range contractions. It looks like maybe there will be a temporary burst
followed by a contraction in the 2070s.”
researchers point out, “Although other factors and modeling approaches should
be explored, we offer preliminary insight into where common ragweed might
be a new concern in the future. Due to the health impacts of ragweed, local
weed control boards may be well advised to monitor areas of expansion and
potentially increase eradication efforts.”
points out, “We don’t have a lot of models like this that tell us where
individual species may go under different scenarios. Ecologists are working on
doing this type of study for more species, but there are not always enough data
points from around the world; individual species data are rare. But ragweed
happens to be quite abundant, which made this study feasible.”
work was supported by funding from UMass Amherst to Stinson and by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency.