Chemical weapons risk during a period of very rapid scientific change
of Bradford

threat of future chemical attacks is exacerbated by the current unstable
international system and also by the potential misuse of developments in
science and technology.
The States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention
gathering in the Hague on 21st November for their 4th Review Conference must
ensure the prohibition regime is fit to meet these challenges.
argument is set out by three academics from the University of Bradford in a
Policy Forum article titled 'Preventing chemical weapons as sciences converge'
in the present issue of the internationally recognised journal Science Volume
362, Issue 6416.
In the article Dr Michael Crowley, Dr Lijun Shang and Professor Malcolm Dando address key scientific aspects of the issues that the Conference will have to address to prevent the re-emergence of chemical weapons during this period of very rapid scientific change.
In the article Dr Michael Crowley, Dr Lijun Shang and Professor Malcolm Dando address key scientific aspects of the issues that the Conference will have to address to prevent the re-emergence of chemical weapons during this period of very rapid scientific change.
Michael Crowley said: "The unstable international security environment and
the changing nature of armed conflict could fuel a desire by certain States to
retain and use existing chemical weapons, as well as increase interest in
creating new weapons. Tomorrow's weaponeers may well seek to harness the
revolutionary advances in the chemical and life sciences and associated
disciplines such as nanoscience and neuroscience for their malign ends. The
international governmental and scientific communities must collectively review,
update and strengthen the global measures in place to protect us all from
chemical attack."
Malcolm Dando said: "One area of growing concern has been State interest
in the aerosolised application of a range of toxic chemical agents potentially
including pharmaceutical chemicals, bioregulators, and toxins that attack the
central nervous system of those targeted.
Ostensibly promoted for use in extreme law enforcement scenarios, such as large scale hostage situations, to incapacitate an individual or a group rapidly and completely without causing permanent disability or fatality, their use in practice poses grave dangers to health and well-being of all those affected.
Furthermore, research and development in this area potentially opens up the door to new forms of chemical weapon and warfare."
Ostensibly promoted for use in extreme law enforcement scenarios, such as large scale hostage situations, to incapacitate an individual or a group rapidly and completely without causing permanent disability or fatality, their use in practice poses grave dangers to health and well-being of all those affected.
Furthermore, research and development in this area potentially opens up the door to new forms of chemical weapon and warfare."
Lijun Shang said "It is important to emphasise that scientists' work on
the detection, protection and treatment of chemical weapons is important in the
overall effort to prevent the misuse of toxic chemicals, but scientists also
need to be more aware of the possible misuse of their benignly-intended
their article the authors conclude that chemical and life scientists, health
professionals and wider informed activist civil society need to play their part
in protecting the prohibition of poison and chemical weapons.
They must work with States to build effective and responsive measures to ensure that the rapid scientific and technological advances are safeguarded from hostile use and are instead employed for the benefit of all.
They must work with States to build effective and responsive measures to ensure that the rapid scientific and technological advances are safeguarded from hostile use and are instead employed for the benefit of all.