scary thing is we don’t know

What exactly is microplastic?
According to current definitions,
microplastic is any piece of plastic measuring five millimeters in size down to
one micrometer, that is one-thousandth of a millimeter. Plastic particles that
are smaller – from one micrometer down to 100 nanometers – are defined as
sub-microplastic. Particles below 100 nm are called nanoplastic. Studies show,
that most of the plastic particles possess sizes in lower micrometer range.
Both microplastics and nanoplastics
are usually formed by the breakdown of larger pieces of plastic – for example,
from shopping bags to the wear and tear on a car’s tires or when we wash an
article of microfiber clothing. And since some manufacturers are still adding
microplastics to personal care products like toothpaste and scrubs – they are a
source of microplastic pollution, too.
Why do we need to be worried
about microplastic pollution?
Actually, it’s not yet totally clear
just how dangerous microplastics are for living organisms. What is known:
aquatic organisms and other species, including humans, can absorb microplastic
particles. But that alone doesn’t prove toxicity. However, we have also ascertained
that smaller-sized particles might have the ability to be absorbed in certain
types of body tissue in aquatic organisms.
Each year, humans produce around 400
million tons of plastic worldwide. A significant proportion of this plastic
ends up in the environment as litter, and most types of plastic take several
hundred years to completely degrade.
The result? Over the next few
decades, we will probably be facing a massive increase in the amount of
microplastic pollution in the environment. We all know that even inert and
non-toxic substances can have unforeseen effects once they reach a certain
level of concentration in the environment.
Why don’t we know more about the effects of microplastic pollution?
Early on, when researchers first realized that microplastic was entering the environment as a result of human activity, optical methods were used to distinguish plastic from other particles in a given sample.
Unfortunately, this method is not very reliable. When you are looking at a particle that is smaller than a millimeter in size, it’s difficult to discern whether it is a grain of sand or a piece of plastic. They look very similar at that size.
One good example of this: under the
auspices of the research project “MiWa,” funded by the German Federal Ministry
of Education and Research (BMBF), we did a chemical analysis of around 3,000
particles from a water sample taken from the Elbe River. We ascertained that
only one in a thousand particles in the sample was actually plastic.
Alongside limestone and other
mineral particles, the water sample also contained a lot of organic material.
That is why it’s of the utmost importance to develop reliable and standardized
analysis methods – otherwise, there is no way to accurately compare different
sample values with one another.
I want to emphasize here that we’re talking about extremely low concentrations of microplastics in the samples we have analyzed – which we would expect would have a correspondingly small effect on the health of a living organism. In some experiments testing for high concentrations of microplastic, negative effects have been measured – while in others, no negative effects have been found.
This research is still very much in
its infancy – which doesn’t mean that we should take a ‘wait and see’
approach.. If we consider the slow rate at which plastic degrades, it is an
urgent priority for us to find strategies for reducing the amount of plastic
waste we’re producing in the first place.
What methods are being used to
detect and identify microplastic particles?
Depending on what questions you’re
asking, there are several different methods currently being employed to analyze
samples for microplastic.
For example, thermal analysis paired with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry is employed to determine the quantity and types of plastic particles and additives that might be present. But these methods cannot be used to determine particle sizes.
For example, thermal analysis paired with gas chromatography and mass spectrometry is employed to determine the quantity and types of plastic particles and additives that might be present. But these methods cannot be used to determine particle sizes.
Spectroscopic methods can be used to
determine both the chemical fingerprint as well as the size and shape of
microplastic particles. And infrared micro-spectroscopy can even be used to
automatically analyze particles down to the size of 20 micrometers.
At the TUM Institute of
Hydrochemistry, we predominantly employ Raman microscopic analysis in our
research. Raman is a non-destructive spectroscopic method that makes it
possible to conduct both a signature spectrum analysis as well as facilitate
reliable particle identification.
Using this method, we can determine whether a particle is made of synthetic polymers – or if it’s a natural substance such as cellulose or quartz.
Using this method, we can determine whether a particle is made of synthetic polymers – or if it’s a natural substance such as cellulose or quartz.
Additionally, this method allows us
to precisely determine the type of plastic in a sample. And coupling the power
of a Raman spectrometer with a regular optical microscope, we can analyze
particles down to one micrometer or even smaller.
The result: we have the ability to clearly define the number of particles, the range of particle sizes and the polymer types of the microplastics in any given sample.
The result: we have the ability to clearly define the number of particles, the range of particle sizes and the polymer types of the microplastics in any given sample.
We have been able to confirm the
presence of microplastic particles in the digestive tracts of water fleas.
Furthermore, in a project funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Environment
and Consumer Protection, we have found that mussels ingest especially small
microplastic particles – deposits of which we have found throughout their
What are the next steps in your
To develop representative and
statistically reliable conclusions about the level of microplastic
contamination in any given sample, we will need to analyze a lot of particles
per sample. That is why we are also currently working on the automation of
Raman-based methods in the project “MiPAq,” which is being funded by the
Bavarian Research Foundation (BFS).
As plastic particles degrade to
ever-smaller sizes in the environment, they present an increasingly higher
potential for environmental toxicity. That is why our institute is
collaborating with other TUM chairs to develop more accurate methods for
analyzing very small particles within the BMBF-funded “SubµTrack” project.
First, we’ll need to collect enough
comparable sample results – using standardized analysis methods – which will
show us just how much microplastic or nanoplastic is actually present in any
given sample. Only then we can begin to analyze the negative effects that might
be caused by a certain level of microplastic or nanoplastic contamination in
the environment – or in humans and other species.
It will also be necessary for researchers to determine which types, particle sizes and shapes – and especially which concentrations of microplastics and nanoplastics – have which toxic effects.
It will also be necessary for researchers to determine which types, particle sizes and shapes – and especially which concentrations of microplastics and nanoplastics – have which toxic effects.
Would you recommend that we ban
all plastic production in the future?
Absolutely not – plastic is an
incredibly versatile material and has a lot of advantages over other materials.
That said – it is of paramount importance for us to drastically reduce the
amount of plastic we are introducing into the environment.
And it’s not just the companies manufacturing plastic that need to shoulder the sole responsibility and burden for this – it is also up to us as consumers to become more responsible in how we use, reuse, recycle and dispose of plastic in the future.
And it’s not just the companies manufacturing plastic that need to shoulder the sole responsibility and burden for this – it is also up to us as consumers to become more responsible in how we use, reuse, recycle and dispose of plastic in the future.
Christian Schwaferts, Reinhard
Niessner, Martin Elsner, Natalia P. Ivleva
Methods for the analysis of submicrometer- and nanoplastic particles in the environment
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2019 – DOI:10.1016/j.trac.2018.12.014
Methods for the analysis of submicrometer- and nanoplastic particles in the environment
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2019 – DOI:10.1016/j.trac.2018.12.014
Philipp M. Anger, Elisabeth von der
Esch, Thomas Baumann, Martin Elsner, Reinhard Niessner, Natalia P. Ivleva:
Raman microspectroscopy as a tool for microplastic particle analysis
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2018, 109 214-226 – DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2018.10.010
Raman microspectroscopy as a tool for microplastic particle analysis
Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2018, 109 214-226 – DOI: 10.1016/j.trac.2018.10.010
Janina Domogalla-Urbansky, Philipp
M. Anger, Hermann Ferling, Florian Rager, Alexandra C. Wiesheu, Reinhard
Niessner, Natalia P. Ivleva, Julia Schwaiger
Raman microspectroscopic identification of microplastic particles in freshwater bivalves (Unio pictorum) exposed to sewage treatment plant effluents under different exposure scenarios
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018 – DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3609-3
Raman microspectroscopic identification of microplastic particles in freshwater bivalves (Unio pictorum) exposed to sewage treatment plant effluents under different exposure scenarios
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2018 – DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3609-3
Natalia P. Ivleva, Alexandra C.
Wiesheu und Reinhard Niessner
Mikroplastik in aquatischen Ökosystemen
Angewandte Chemie 2016,128, 2-23 – DOI: 10.1002/ange.201606957
Mikroplastik in aquatischen Ökosystemen
Angewandte Chemie 2016,128, 2-23 – DOI: 10.1002/ange.201606957