psychiatrist explains Trump’s pathology — and why he’s now more dangerous than
By Tana Ganeva / Raw Story January 5, 2019
your son looks at you and says, ‘Momma look, you won, bullies don’t win,’ and I
said ‘Baby they don’t,’ because we’re going to go in there and we’re gonna
impeach the motherf—-er,” Rashida Tlaib said at a party Thursday night.
Psychiatry Professor Bandy X. Lee has long argued that Trump’s behavior is
pathological—and that the more that he feels his power threatened, the more
likely he is to lash out in ways harmful to himself, the country and the world
(her views do not reflect Yale policy).
Story spoke with Lee about how Trump is likely to react to pressure from
Democrats, the Mueller probe and other investigations into the Trump campaign
and administration.
Ganeva: A Democratic majority was just sworn into Congress and they have made
it clear they aim to investigate the many scandals, ethics breaches and
possible crimes plaguing the Trump administration. Are you concerned about how
he’ll react?
X. Lee: Yes, very. We know from Donald Trump’s past actions when he has come
under criticism that there is great reason to be concerned about how he will
react to an incoming Democratic House ready to put checks on him.
We know from his frequent tweets that reference his own inflated self-image and retaliate against those who challenge it that this will be the pattern of his response. A study found that his Twitter usage widely instigates hate crimes, and Mr. Trump’s vengeful words against those in the House could further contribute to a culture of division and violence in the United States.
We know from his frequent tweets that reference his own inflated self-image and retaliate against those who challenge it that this will be the pattern of his response. A study found that his Twitter usage widely instigates hate crimes, and Mr. Trump’s vengeful words against those in the House could further contribute to a culture of division and violence in the United States.
News reported 17 court cases that traced defendants’
violence, threats or alleged assaults directly to Mr. Trump. The greater the
pressure, the more his mental challenges will cause him to take unpredictable
and potentially extreme and dangerous actions as president, and as long as he
is in his office, he of course has a lot of power to do damage.
There should no longer be any doubt about this propensity, and lawmakers and the public should not take it lightly, either.
There should no longer be any doubt about this propensity, and lawmakers and the public should not take it lightly, either.
Ganeva: What is the best way for Democrats to perform their oversight duties
without triggering a dangerous meltdown?
X. Lee: The severity of Mr. Trump’s impairment warrants an evaluation—I do not
believe there is any way around it, unless we wish to gamble with the nation’s
security and, realistically, the future of humankind itself.
The evaluation
would offer precision around the level of dangerousness we are dealing with,
the least restrictive means of managing him, and his likely future course—and
of course what everyone wants, which is a diagnosis.

the bare minimum, we should do a capacity evaluation by appropriate,
independent specialists, which would determine his ability to function or not
in his office, and this evaluation does not require consent.
This is of course a very uncomfortable situation, but even the president has the right to treatment by law, and the nature of mental pathology is that the sicker one is, the less likely one is to recognize that anything is wrong and will avoid testing and treatment at all cost.
This is of course a very uncomfortable situation, but even the president has the right to treatment by law, and the nature of mental pathology is that the sicker one is, the less likely one is to recognize that anything is wrong and will avoid testing and treatment at all cost.
to apply the correct treatment—which is containment and an urgent evaluation—is
to enable the illness, and there is no good ending to this.
Oversight is fine, but to believe that we can simply proceed with the normal course of investigations without responding to the medical need is irresponsible in the lack of understanding of what level of crisis we are facing.
Neither is it humane to Mr. Trump at this time; criminal responsibility is important, and he has not shown any condition that would exonerate him, but we must address first things first in an emergency.
Oversight is fine, but to believe that we can simply proceed with the normal course of investigations without responding to the medical need is irresponsible in the lack of understanding of what level of crisis we are facing.
Neither is it humane to Mr. Trump at this time; criminal responsibility is important, and he has not shown any condition that would exonerate him, but we must address first things first in an emergency.
Ganeva: The past month has seen the administration roiled in controversy,
from a government shutdown to the resignation of James Mattis. In what ways
have Trump’s unique pathologies played into the chaos?
X. Lee: It was all psychopathology, regardless of where it was occurring.
Internal chaos eventually manifests outwardly, and psychological dangerousness
inevitably turns into geopolitical dangerousness in the office of the

there is no rational strategy underneath it all, granting him what he wishes
was bound to cause him to deteriorate and to cause devastation to the nation—we
have not yet seen the end. That is why mental health professionals have been
warning against this presidency as a part of our societal responsibility.
In The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, 27
psychiatrists and mental health experts have warned that his condition was more
serious than people assumed, that it would grow worse with actual power, and
that he would eventually become uncontainable.
situation is very serious now, and there is a risk of everything from a nuclear
war to a civil insurrection to his accidentally triggering something
catastrophic—be it in Syria, North Korea, China, or Russia.
As difficult as it may be to intervene now, it will only grow more difficult with time, and there is no other proper management than containment, removal from access to weapons and power, and an urgent evaluation, as we have been saying for almost two years.
As difficult as it may be to intervene now, it will only grow more difficult with time, and there is no other proper management than containment, removal from access to weapons and power, and an urgent evaluation, as we have been saying for almost two years.
Ganeva: President Trump’s approval ratings continue to be high among Republican
voters and the Republican leadership is largely silent. How do you explain
continued loyalty to the President?
X. Lee: Again, this is the expected course when we are dealing with mental
pathology. Studies have shown that “leaders” with actual pathology are more
effective in beguiling the public—and perhaps lawmakers, too, although we might
have expected better of them—not less.
example, a truly paranoid person is more likely to whip up frenzy, and hence
garner irrational support, among his followers than a rational person who is
simply employing the same methods as a strategy.
With the sick person, you will see two camps over time: the healthier portion of the population, which becomes exhausted, inured, and increasingly hopeless; and the less healthy portion, which becomes more and more taken but less and less in touch with reality.
With the sick person, you will see two camps over time: the healthier portion of the population, which becomes exhausted, inured, and increasingly hopeless; and the less healthy portion, which becomes more and more taken but less and less in touch with reality.
overall effect is what we call “shared psychosis”: the population starts taking
on the same symptoms as the person who is ill. The portion that “desires” Mr.
Trump’s presidency may seem as if they are getting what they want, but the
longer he stays, the more deleterious his effects will be, finally driving
himself and them to destruction.
destructiveness is what distinguishes pathology from true, healthy choices, and
the importance of distinguishing between the two is why I believe mental health
professionals need to speak up, even if it is unpopular or sounds hyperbolic at
first. The only way out of the danger now is to remove him or his influence.
The way to avoid this predicament in the future is to require all presidential and vice-presidential candidates to take a fitness for duty exam before they assume office, just as all military officers are required to do before assuming their duty.
The way to avoid this predicament in the future is to require all presidential and vice-presidential candidates to take a fitness for duty exam before they assume office, just as all military officers are required to do before assuming their duty.
Ganeva: This week, Mitt Romney spoke up against the President, citing his lack
of character. How do you think Trump perceived and reacted to this slight? Does
it create a pattern for future Republican opposition to the President?
X. Lee: As expected, Trump turned to Twitter to release a retaliatory
counter-attack where he unsurprisingly also brought the focus back to himself
by saying: “I won big, and he didn’t.” This only
reveals how rigid and poor his coping mechanisms are, and forebodes danger for
our country.
may remember a year ago when he tweeted that his nuclear button is “bigger and
more powerful” than Kim Jong-un’s, in response to the feeling that the latter
was challenging him.
This created such an emergency situation that South Korea swiftly intervened in unprecedented ways and fortunately blocked an escalation that could have triggered a war, but given Mr. Trump’s proneness for violence, we can return to that level of danger at any time.
Mr. Romney’s public criticisms of Trump may represent growing dissent in the Republican Party, which might make a bipartisan intervention more likely, which would be great—but there is not much time.
This created such an emergency situation that South Korea swiftly intervened in unprecedented ways and fortunately blocked an escalation that could have triggered a war, but given Mr. Trump’s proneness for violence, we can return to that level of danger at any time.
Mr. Romney’s public criticisms of Trump may represent growing dissent in the Republican Party, which might make a bipartisan intervention more likely, which would be great—but there is not much time.
Ganeva: Your experience leads you to believe that Trump exhibits thoughts and
behaviors that suggest he’s mentally impaired. What initially led you to that
conclusion? What are the recent events that have confirmed your diagnosis?
X. Lee: It is difficult to communicate everything, but let me just say, over my
20-year career devoted to studying, predicting, and preventing violence, I have
seen close to 1000 individuals with Mr. Trump personality profile.
Some of these signs include behavior that is consistent with paranoia, a lack of empathy, impulsivity, an inability to consider consequences, and an attraction to violence and cruelty.
Some of these signs include behavior that is consistent with paranoia, a lack of empathy, impulsivity, an inability to consider consequences, and an attraction to violence and cruelty.
inability to be grounded in reality shows that his condition is rather severe.
He lies at a pathological level, has difficulty tolerating democratic institutions and the free press, not to mention his own intelligence communities, and is incapable of listening to expert advice, let alone opposing viewpoints.
He lies at a pathological level, has difficulty tolerating democratic institutions and the free press, not to mention his own intelligence communities, and is incapable of listening to expert advice, let alone opposing viewpoints.
most recent example is the government shutdown over border wall funding, with
Mr. Trump claiming that it will go on for “as long as it takes” until he gets the $5
billion dollars he is demanding. The real situation does not matter to him, and
he will insist for erratic reasons—although “madness” has its own method—even
if it hurts him.
he will become increasingly self-destructive, as well as damaging to the
country, the more his condition worsens.
To be clear, I am not making a diagnosis, which usually requires a personal interview as well as a whole host of other information, but am assessing dangerousness, for which a personal interview is not always necessary or helpful (since dangerous individuals will try to hide the very things you need to know).
To be clear, I am not making a diagnosis, which usually requires a personal interview as well as a whole host of other information, but am assessing dangerousness, for which a personal interview is not always necessary or helpful (since dangerous individuals will try to hide the very things you need to know).