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Tuesday, February 12, 2019

POSTPONED: Important hearing rescheduled to Feb. 26 and moved to Providence

Please show your support for green energy!
Nicole DiPaolo, RI Progressive Democrats

Tonight’s CRMC hearing to vote on the permit for Vineyard Wind to develop an 800 megawatt offshore wind farm has been postponed until February 26th. This is great news! Negotiations are underway between Vineyard Wind, the CRMC, and the Fishermen’s Advisory Board.

The February 26th meeting will be at One Capitol Hill in Conference Room A of the Administration Building. The comment period has been extended to February 26th, so please submit yours if you haven't already.

This Tuesday On February 26, I need you to fight for a livable future. 

The RI Coastal Resources Management Council is having a hearing for the first large-scale offshore wind farm in the entire nation and without public support it likely won’t go through.

The debate over whether or not to permit the first large-scale offshore wind farm in the nation occurs as we experience the warmest winter day on record. RI winters have gotten 4 °F warmer since 1970.

If the temperature rises 2 °C, we will lose 99% of coral reefs and experience a 3 million tonne decline in marine fisheries, according to the IPCC

We’re on track for 3-5 degrees warming, yet the precedent setting Vineyard Wind 800 megawatt offshore wind farm is held up in an arguably fossil-fuel favoring state agency, advised by the Fisherman Advisory Board (FAB) which has expressed clear opposition to the project.

What’s more, a climate denier in the RI House of Representatives put in legislation to create a study commission for the impact of offshore wind on marine life.

EDITOR’S NOTE: That climate change denier is none other than Richmond’s own right-wing nut, Rep. Justin Price.

I was at the initial hearing where they clearly stated their goal was to stock the commission up with corporate interests in the fishing industry.

The argument is clear-cut: Vineyard Wind has done everything it can to protect the ocean economy and ecosystem.
  • Began communication with fishermen in 2017 before they started permitting process
  • Ongoing communication with the FAB and stakeholders
  • Offering $30 million compensation package to directly compensate fishermen and adapt to climate change
  • Based compensation on an economic impact study by leading experts in the field
  • Reached historic agreement with conservation groups to protect the North Atlantic Right Whale
  • Ahead of the curve in contributing to the regenerative economy called for in the Green New Deal
For a more thorough explanation of the above, see my public comment here, or condensed op-ed here.

Please join this fight and RSVP by filling out this form.