Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Mueller is “a class act”

By Conover Kennard  ·

Image result for robert mueller in the militaryFormer Trump White House attorney Ty Cobb heaped praise on Special Counsel Robert Mueller in an extensive interview for “The Investigation,” a new ABC News podcast focused on the probe. 

Let’s just say that Cobb doesn’t have anything in common with Trump’s present lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.  Cobb, who left the White House after ten months, called Mueller an ‘American hero.’

“I think Bob Mueller’s an American hero. I think Bob Mueller’s a guy that you know even though he came from an, arguably, privileged background, you know, has a backbone of steel,” Cobb said. 

“He walked into a firefight in Vietnam to pull out one of his injured colleagues and was appropriately honored for that. I’ve known him for 30 years as a prosecutor and a friend. And I think the– I think the world of Bob Mueller. He is a very deliberate guy. And he– but he’s also a class act. And a very– justice oriented person.”

Cobb further broke with his former client to say that he doesn’t believe that the Russia probe is a hoax or a politically motivated “witch hunt.”

“I don’t feel the investigation is a witch hunt. I wish it had happened on a quicker timetable. But it didn’t,” he said. 

“And that’s you know, and that’s unfortunate. But at the same time, it’s not a real criticism of the special counsel that on the timing because there were a lot of surprises. A lot of things, you know, distracted him from focusing on the president, from Manafort’s decade-old issues to, you know, the Papadopoulos’s of the world and, you know, the Carter Page’s of the world and the Roger Stone’s of the world. So it’s not my view that it’s a witch hunt.”

Cobb said he was able to prevent Trump from attacking Mueller on Twitter — which the president* has repeatedly done ever since.

He said that during his “first nine-and-a-half months out of ten-and-a-half that I was able to prevent the president from going on the attack against Mueller.”

And then, things changed when Cobb departed from the White House, as the president* continues to attack the special counsel because there isn’t a babysitter left in the administration to call out the former reality show star.

Author Conover Kennard makes tea partiers cry as a hobby. She was Commander of Jade Helm15 during the failed takeover of the South. She's also one of the biggest arseholes on Twitter. At night, she can be found drinking Conservative tears while pulling off the wings of flies just because she can. She is the founder of a Marxist, Commie, Maoist, Socialist site and has contributed to several other sites, blah blah blah. She is an awful person but she doesn't like to brag about that.