and States May Already Have Answers

The hotly debated idea has both vocal supporters and detractors.
But even for those who champion the mission, there’s still a lot to figure out
about how it would be developed and implemented.
The good news is that any effort to bring the Green New Deal to fruition wouldn’t need to start from scratch. Proponents can, and should, look to states and cities for help and inspiration, says Caitlin McCoy, a fellow at Harvard Law School who specializes in in climate, clean air and energy.
McCoy just authored a new policy paper that shows areas where state and local governments have been leading and how understanding their progress is crucial to crafting any new sweeping federal legislation.
“States are an experimental testing ground for policies that could one day be adopted at a federal level,” she says.
Green New Deal backers, she adds, “would be wise to do an accounting of what’s happening at a state and local level and see where they might be able to plug federal policies and programs into existing architecture and frameworks.
And any big federal policy to operationalize the principles of the Green New Deal would necessarily need to build on state action, because a lot of the areas that the deal seems to be seeking to reach are areas of traditional state and local control.”
Clean Energy Goals
One of the most ambitious goals of the Green New Deal is the
sourcing of 100 percent of the country’s power from clean, renewable sources.
States have been working toward this goal for decades — 29
states have renewable portfolio standards that set minimum amounts of electric
power that utilities need to get from renewable sources. In fact about half the
growth in U.S. renewable electricity generation and capacity over the past two
decades can be tied directly to state renewable energy policies, according to
McCoy’s paper.
So far these standards have been relatively modest, but that’s beginning to change. In the past year California, Hawaii, New Mexico, Nevada and Washington have committed to 100 percent renewable or 100 percent carbon-free targets.
Other states are considering similar goals, but Illinois may
take things even further. State leaders there are currently considering a
renewable energy bill that would also address social-justice issues and help
communities that have been tied to dirty energy transition to become part of
the emerging clean energy economy.
Vox reporter Umair Irfan called this bill’s focus on
environmental justice, “a remarkable test case of one of the Green New Deal’s
core principles.”
Meanwhile Washington D.C. and more than 100 other U.S. cities
are already onboard with similar measures to hit 100 percent carbon-free
There’s good reason to keep an eye on the progress that cities are making, says John
Farrell, who directs the Energy Democracy Initiative at the Institute for Local
Self-Reliance. Cities have displayed a strong focus on energy
programs that aren’t owned or managed by big utility companies.
“That keeps more of the energy dollars in our communities — we can now do programs like solar on rooftops rather than just giant power plants,” he says. This emphasis on how wealth creation happens and who gets the economic benefits is a key component of the Green New Deal, he points out.
“That keeps more of the energy dollars in our communities — we can now do programs like solar on rooftops rather than just giant power plants,” he says. This emphasis on how wealth creation happens and who gets the economic benefits is a key component of the Green New Deal, he points out.
Farrell says he’s seen a growing number of municipalities
consider community-shared solar programs, in which residents can buy into
neighborhood solar arrays and receive a credit on their utility bills. Minnesota has been a leader on that front.
“It took off in a couple of progressive communities that were climate-change
oriented and spread very quickly because it was a great financial deal,” he
Slashing Emissions
There’s local progress on curbing emissions, too.
McCoy calls California a “shining example” of how to reduce
emissions from buildings. The state has worked since 1977 to incrementally
tighten efficiency standards for buildings and now has an ambitious plan for
achieving zero
net energy in new construction.
“That’s why we see California as really leading the nation in terms of the level of energy efficiency that it demands in new buildings,” she says.
“That’s why we see California as really leading the nation in terms of the level of energy efficiency that it demands in new buildings,” she says.
Municipalities around the country have started to catch up to
California’s lead. Boulder, Colorado, adopted an ordinance in 2015 requiring
energy efficient retrofitting in buildings with a goal of 80 percent reduction
in emissions by 2050.
And just this April New York City passed its own Green New Deal,
which consists of 10 bills to slash greenhouse gas emissions. The most notable
would require buildings larger than 25,000 square
feet to reduce emissions by 40 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2050.
Similarly, the goals of Los Angeles’s own Green New Deal, announced at the beginning of May, include requiring all buildings to be net zero carbon by 2050.
Similarly, the goals of Los Angeles’s own Green New Deal, announced at the beginning of May, include requiring all buildings to be net zero carbon by 2050.
Another opportunity is in boosting state rebate programs for
home appliances, water heaters and HVAC systems, says McCoy. State rebate
programs were expanded between 2010 and 2014 with help from the American
Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
The act allowed states to design their own programs, determine which products would be eligible for rebates, and offer recycling bonuses for replaced items.
The act allowed states to design their own programs, determine which products would be eligible for rebates, and offer recycling bonuses for replaced items.
Other states have ramped up investment in infrastructure to
support electric vehicles. Maryland is using $11 million in settlement money
from Volkswagen’s emissions scandal to build more electric vehicle charging
stations. Utilities in New York will install more than 1,000 fast chargers in
the next seven years.
Minnesota, Virginia and California also have efforts underway.
California’s plan requires new homes and townhomes with attached garages to be
wired to support electric vehicle charging. Texas has revived an electric
vehicle incentive program.
And it’s not just private cars. New York City, Portland and King
County, Washington, are working to convert their bus fleets to electric by
There’s one more area of opportunity: the Clean Power Plan.
McCoy’s research highlighted this Obama administration policy, which sought to
reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power plants.
The plan could be used “as a model and set a nationwide emissions budget with caps tailored for each state,” McCoy writes. “States would then submit compliance plans reflecting their needs and opportunities, informed by their knowledge of their electric systems.”
The plan could be used “as a model and set a nationwide emissions budget with caps tailored for each state,” McCoy writes. “States would then submit compliance plans reflecting their needs and opportunities, informed by their knowledge of their electric systems.”
Unfortunately we haven’t gotten to see yet how well this would
work. Efforts to implement the Clean Power Plan have been delayed by the Trump
administration, which is seeking to scrap the effort.
All of these areas will be good starting points for federal
legislators if they craft a mobilization plan like the Green New Deal. “They
would be wise to take note of how states have faced challenges in these efforts
and worked to overcome them,” writes McCoy.
Balance of Power
As the stalled Clean Power Plan illustrates, it can be hard to
imagine any kind of significant federal environmental action taking place
during the Trump administration, which is undoubtedly more intent on rolling back environmental protections than
enacting them.
But the Trump era has so far been useful in spurring state and
local action to tackle climate change. Farrell says he’s encouraged by all the cities
pledging to hit higher renewable energy goals, but there’s still the question
of whether they’ll actually get there and how they’ll do it.
“There aren’t that many cities yet who have really successfully
wrestled with what that looks like and what policies would need to be put in
place,” he says.
And then there’s the issue of whether piecemeal state and local
efforts will be enough to help compensate for the leadership vacuum at the
federal level.
Right now, the answer is likely no, according to a recent Harvard Law policy paper by third-year student Michelle Melton. She’s a former fellow working on climate policy for the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Right now, the answer is likely no, according to a recent Harvard Law policy paper by third-year student Michelle Melton. She’s a former fellow working on climate policy for the Center for Strategic and International Studies.
But there’s still reason for hope. “A growing number of states
that make up a large portion of the U.S. economy have committed to climate
mitigation by employing a wide range of policies, even if these policies are
incremental, piecemeal, or experimental,” Melton writes.
Farrell says the cumulative population of the cities and states
that have made these commitments already represent a significant portion of the
country, but there’s still a huge role for the federal government to play when
it comes to providing financial incentives for investment in clean technology
or tax credits to level the playing field.
“I think what cities can do is pretty impressive, especially if
they own their own utilities, but there’s a limit to how much they can
accomplish unless the rules are changed to allow them to go further,” says
“In terms of solving the climate crisis, it can’t just be 200 cities that have volunteered to do something around renewable energy. It really needs to be all of us.”
“In terms of solving the climate crisis, it can’t just be 200 cities that have volunteered to do something around renewable energy. It really needs to be all of us.”
Tara Lohan is deputy editor of The
Revelator and has worked for more than a decade as a digital editor
and environmental journalist focused on the intersections of energy, water and
climate. Her work has been published by The Nation, American
Prospect, High Country News, Grist, Pacific
Standard and others. She is the editor of two books on the global
water crisis.