
it, Cohen describes how one of his tasks as an employee of the future president
was to stiff people who had done work for the Trump Organization, on his boss’
personal instruction.
of the things that I did was reach out to individuals, whether it's law firms
or small businesses, and renegotiate contracts after the job was already done,
or basically tell them that we just weren't paying at all, or make them offers
of, say, 20 cents on the dollar,” he said.
expressed remorse for his involvement in this combination of scam and
strongarming, saying that as a result of Trump’s refusal to pay people who
didn’t have the wherewithal to fight a wealthy developer, “many of these folks,
you know, lost everything.”
Trump did business this way is not a new story; in 2016, USA Today found hundreds of businesses who said
Trump had refused to pay for work they had done and products they sold him.
Cohen’s testimony is another reminder of the kind of person the president of
the United States is, at a moment when his character—and the way that character
has spread through his party—is shaping the political crisis in which we find
you asked Trump about attacking and even destroying the livelihoods of all
those small businesspeople just so he could make a few more dollars, he’s
probably say what he did when Hillary Clinton
suggested that he was hiding his tax returns because they’d show that he pays
no taxes: “That makes me smart.”
to Trump, is only partly about what he perceives as intelligence. Much more,
it’s about a willingness to simply decide that the rules don’t apply to you,
then act accordingly.
If you can get away with it, you’re smart. If you hurt other people in pursuit of your own ends, you’re smarter than they are. It’s the outcome that matters; only the stupid and weak are constrained by fear of consequences or some set of pesky moral values.
If you can get away with it, you’re smart. If you hurt other people in pursuit of your own ends, you’re smarter than they are. It’s the outcome that matters; only the stupid and weak are constrained by fear of consequences or some set of pesky moral values.
so whenever Trump uses the authority of his office, he does so with the same
kind of attitude.
We recently learned that he is considering
pardoning a number of U.S. military personnel who have been accused or
convicted of war crimes, the most notable of which is a Navy SEAL named Edward
of the SEALs in Gallagher’s unit complained to superiors about him, detailing
how he deliberately murdered civilians including a young girl and an elderly
man, fired indiscriminately into neighborhoods with no particular target, and
in one vivid case, walked up to a teenage prisoner receiving medical attention
and stabbed the boy in the neck and chest with a hunting knife, killing him.
reason for Trump’s interest in Gallagher is simple: He’s been lobbied to make the pardon by a Fox News
the current and former servicemembers objecting that pardoning someone like
Gallagher goes against the values the military is supposed to stand for may
have forgotten that Trump believes the military should have no values at all.
may recall that when he ran for president, he said we should
resume torturing prisoners (“I would bring back waterboarding,
and I'd bring back a hell of a lot worse than waterboarding”) and
proposed killing the families of suspected
was never any pretense that America has a set of ideals it believes in and should
act in accordance with even if might be inconvenient, let alone that those
ideals are honorable and should be emulated by other nations.
fact, what becomes more clear all the time is not just that Trump is lacking in
principles or morals, let alone a vision of a better world he’s trying to
create. It’s precisely his rejection of the idea of principles or morals that
he believes gives him strength and makes him a winner.
world, then, is an ongoing zero-sum competition where all that matters is winning.
And from where Trump stands, it is his willingness to do what others refuse to
do that leads him to victory.
his business competitors willing to engage in a massive tax fraud worth hundreds of
millions of dollars? If not, they won’t be as successful as him.
his political competitors willing to tell 10,000 lies in a little over two years?
If not, they won’t be able to control the news agenda like he will.
previous presidents bound by a respect for the office that prevented them from
tossing out juvenile insults on Twitter? Did they have enough respect for the
law and the Constitution not to act like they could simply refuse to comply
with every congressional subpoena? What a bunch of losers.
for Donald Trump’s party, they had spent years preparing themselves for a
leader like Trump.
They too have been willing to go to nearly any length to win, whether it was refusing to allow Barack Obama to fill a Supreme Court seat or engaging in all manner of vote suppression to keep African Americans from getting to the polls.
They too have been willing to go to nearly any length to win, whether it was refusing to allow Barack Obama to fill a Supreme Court seat or engaging in all manner of vote suppression to keep African Americans from getting to the polls.
to imagine someone proposing a bit of procedural radicalism or a tactic that
contradicts core democratic values, and ask yourself if leading Republicans
would say, “We don’t care if that might help us; it’s simply wrong and we
shouldn’t go that far.” The very idea is ludicrous.
only difference is that the GOP pays lip service to ideals and principles while
freely violating them, while Trump doesn’t even bother with the lip service.
now as he tried to keep his (almost certainly shady) finances hidden, refuses
to acknowledge Congress’s constitutional right to oversight, and prepares what
will likely be the most vicious and unethical re-election campaign in American
history, they utter barely a peep of objection.
Republicans have spent a few years now adjusting their thoughts, beliefs, and
consciences to the worldview Trump has offered them, one in which they can
luxuriate in their freedom from any moral constraint.
there were doubts or qualms, they have long since disappeared. We have a
nihilistic president leading a nihilistic party.
Paul Waldman is
a contributing editor for the American Prospect and the author of Being Right is Not Enough: What Progressives Must Learn
From Conservative Success.