Help Stamp Out Hunger
Letter Carriers Food Drive
Saturday, May 11
8 a.m. at Your Mailbox
Saturday, May 11
8 a.m. at Your Mailbox
This Saturday, letter carriers will be collecting food for our
neighbors in need as part of the National Association of Letter Carriers'
annual campaign to Stamp Out Hunger.
Please leave a bag of non-perishable items near your mailbox
by 8:00 am. Your letter carrier will pick it up and ensure that it gets
delivered to the Food Bank. You can find a list of most-needed items on our website.
Thanks for contributing!

Food Insecurity Among Seniors
Twenty percent of the people served by our network are over
the age of 60. To recognize May as Older Americans Month, we’re highlighting
our Senior Box program which provides 1,500 seniors with a monthly box of
healthy, nutritious food to supplement what they purchase or pick up at

© 2019 Rhode Island Community Food Bank
200 Niantic Avenue
Providence, RI 02907
Phone: (401) 942‑MEAL (6325)