Pompeo Claims US Attack on Venezuela
"Would Be Lawful"

have a full range of options that we're preparing for," Pompeo said on ABC's "This Week."
Asked if the president believed he had the authority to attack Venezuela without the expressed approval of Congress, Pompeo said, "I don't want to speak to that," but added that the President Trump has "his full range of Article 2 authorities"—referring to the section of the Constitution that grants the president specific (yet not unlimited) powers—"and I'm very confident that any action we took in Venezuela would be lawful."
White House has been adamant that a military option remains on the table for
Venezuela. Earlier this week—as the latest push to topple Maduro from within
failed—Pompeo, as Common Dreams reported, said Trump was prepared to use military
force "if that's what's required."
the wake of Pompeo's latest comments on Sunday, journalist and political
commentator Glenn Greenwald asked why Democratic leaders in the House were not
acting with more urgency in terms of pushing back against the White House's
aggressive posture and threats against Venezuela.
leadership has not yet embraced it or made the bill a priority, Rep. David
Cicilline (D-RI) has introduced a proposal that would specifically prevent the
Trump administration from deploying U.S. military forces to Venezuela without
congressional authorization.
I introduced H.R.1004 to prevent American military action in Venezuela.
Congress should pass this bill before we rush into another unnecessary war.
In a statement early last week, Cicilline castigated Trump's national security advisor John Bolton for again threatening that the administration was willing to use military force in order to help overthrow the Maduro government.
be clear, there is no good military option for the U.S.," Cicilline said. "And if the President and his
advisors want to go down that road, they will need to request authority from
Congress. Only Congress has the power to declare war and we haven’t done that.
Any rhetoric to the contrary, like Mr. Bolton’s comment today, is both
dangerous and wrong."
course, as international law experts would be quick to point out, authority
granted by the U.S. Congress might absolve Trump of constitutional violations,
it would still not satisfy the legal standard for the use of military force by
one nation against another.
Trump made similar threats against Venezuela earlier this year, Mary Ellen
O'Connell, Notre Dame Law School professor and renowned expert on international
law, said there are serious concerns regarding
the rhetoric of "all options remain on the table"—code for military
"Attacking [Venezuela] for any reason," O'Connell said in February, "would violate the most fundamental of all international law — the prohibition on the use of force. International law permits force in response to an armed attack in self-defense, but not for regime change, to secure oil or even to distribute food."
argued that "regardless of how odious Maduro is," that judgment alone
cannot justify his overthrow by outside forces. "Under international law,
he is treated as the head of government," she said.
"The fact the U.S. and other states have recognized opposition leader Guaidó as the legitimate president is irrelevant for these purposes. Guaidó must win the support of the military and other Maduro backers to govern. It is governing that matters, not the preferences of outside states."
"The fact the U.S. and other states have recognized opposition leader Guaidó as the legitimate president is irrelevant for these purposes. Guaidó must win the support of the military and other Maduro backers to govern. It is governing that matters, not the preferences of outside states."
she rejected the idea that even humanitarian arguments would warrant U.S. military
"There are no 'humanitarian wars,'" she explained. "Nor is military confrontation a way to promote good governance and the rule of law. The U.S. has become so accustomed to using military force — from full-scale invasions to constant drone attacks — we don't seem to be able to think of anything else to do."
"There are no 'humanitarian wars,'" she explained. "Nor is military confrontation a way to promote good governance and the rule of law. The U.S. has become so accustomed to using military force — from full-scale invasions to constant drone attacks — we don't seem to be able to think of anything else to do."