drug pricing in other countries could save Medicare tens of billions
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg
School of Public Health

A new study by researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health found that prices for brand-name prescription drugs averaged 3.2 to 4.1 times higher in the U.S. when compared with prices in the United Kingdom, Japan and the Canadian province of Ontario.
The study also found that the longer the brand-name prescription drug was on the market, the greater the price differential.
If the Medicare program used the
same prices as these other countries, the estimated savings to Medicare Part D
would have been almost $73 billion in 2018 alone, the study found. Medicare
Part D is an optional prescription drug benefit, available to Medicare
beneficiaries for a premium and administered by private insurance companies.
The findings will be published in
the May issue of Health Affairs.
U.S. prescription drug prices for
brand-name drugs are the highest in the world. One approach to lower U.S.
prescription drug prices is to benchmark drug prices to those paid in other
countries using a pricing model known as external reference pricing.
An estimated 29 European countries as well as Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and South Africa use this approach for the purposes of setting and negotiating the price of a drug.
An estimated 29 European countries as well as Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and South Africa use this approach for the purposes of setting and negotiating the price of a drug.
"Every year we pay more for
brand-name drugs and other countries pay less for the same drugs," says
Gerard Anderson, PhD, professor in the Bloomberg School's Department of Health
Policy and Management and the paper's senior author.
"Medicare beneficiaries pay much higher prices for the same drugs that seniors in other countries pay. If they paid the same prices as other countries, their drug bills would drop considerably."
"Medicare beneficiaries pay much higher prices for the same drugs that seniors in other countries pay. If they paid the same prices as other countries, their drug bills would drop considerably."
The study examined drug prices of 79
single-source, brand-name prescription drugs that are under patent -- meaning
no generic versions are available -- with the greatest spending on Medicare
Part D in the United States.
The study compares the prices to what is paid in Japan, the United Kingdom and the Canadian province of Ontario. The drugs covered by the study treat a range of illnesses including blood clotting, diabetes, with antivirals and immunosuppressants as well as other brand-name blockbuster drugs that had been on the market for at least three years.
Researchers examined drug prices before and after rebates from drug manufacturers and calculated savings based on different assumptions. Pharmaceutical rebates are a type of refund of a purchase price from the drug manufacturer to a wholesaler or pharmacy benefits manager intended to increase sales and are often confidential.
The study compares the prices to what is paid in Japan, the United Kingdom and the Canadian province of Ontario. The drugs covered by the study treat a range of illnesses including blood clotting, diabetes, with antivirals and immunosuppressants as well as other brand-name blockbuster drugs that had been on the market for at least three years.
Researchers examined drug prices before and after rebates from drug manufacturers and calculated savings based on different assumptions. Pharmaceutical rebates are a type of refund of a purchase price from the drug manufacturer to a wholesaler or pharmacy benefits manager intended to increase sales and are often confidential.
Researchers selected the countries
of comparison based on their similar per capita incomes, large pharmaceutical markets
and their unique price-setting approaches. The U.K. sets drug prices by looking
at the value of the drug, while Japan uses external reference pricing and has a
formula that continually lowers the price and Canada uses a combination of
benchmarking models.
They obtained foreign drug price
information from public sources used by external reference pricing authorities.
Domestic drug pricing and rebate information were obtained from published
wholesaler acquisition costs and other public sources.
Drug utilization information was obtained from Medicare Part D data to estimate the potential savings with various external reference pricing situations.
Drug utilization information was obtained from Medicare Part D data to estimate the potential savings with various external reference pricing situations.
The study found that these 79
single-source, brand-name prescription drugs accounted for over half of total Medicare
Part D spending in 2018. Before rebates, the findings show average drug prices
in the U.S. were 4.3 times higher than prices in the U.K., and 3.8 and 3.4
times higher in Japan and Ontario, respectively. After rebates, the U.S. had
average drug prices 3.6 times higher than the U.K., and 3.2 and 4.1 times
higher than Japan and Ontario respectively.
The study also found large
variations of drug prices for the same drug between the U.S. and the foreign
counterparts. For some drugs the price was only 30 percent higher in the U.S.,
while other drugs were 7,000 percent more expensive in the U.S.
Diabetes medications had the largest average price differential, 9 times more expensive in the U.S. than the same drug in the U.K. Injectable drugs were 11.5 times more expensive in the U.S. as compared to the U.K. and around 8 times higher than Japan and Ontario.
Diabetes medications had the largest average price differential, 9 times more expensive in the U.S. than the same drug in the U.K. Injectable drugs were 11.5 times more expensive in the U.S. as compared to the U.K. and around 8 times higher than Japan and Ontario.
If these prices were adopted the
Medicare program, Medicare beneficiaries would pay considerably less than they
do today. In one scenario using external reference pricing, the researchers
found that if the U.S. purchased the same drugs at the U.K. pre-rebate price,
Medicare spending would have been reduced by more than 70 percent in 2018. In
another scenario, researchers used the average price for drugs sold in two or
more countries and found more than a 67 percent reduction.
"Ideally, the U.S. should be
paying similar prices to other countries," says Anderson. "In fact,
Medicare beneficiaries and taxpayers are paying much more for the same drugs as
other countries. Given that many Medicare beneficiaries cannot afford their
drugs, this is a serious problem that does have a solution."
This research was supported by
Arnold Ventures.