Trump has been ramping up his “Deep
State” rhetoric again. He’s back to blaming a cabal of bureaucrats, FBI and CIA
agents, Democrats, and “enemies of the people” in the mainstream media, for
conspiring to remove him from office in order to allow the denizens of foreign
shi*tholes to overrun America.
But with each passing day it’s
becoming clearer that the real threat to America isn’t Trump’s Deep State.
Trump’s Corrupt State.
Not since Warren G. Harding’s sordid
administration have as many grifters, crooks and cronies occupied high
positions in Washington.
Trump has installed a Star Wars
Cantina of former lobbyists and con artists, including several whose exploits
have already forced them to resign, such as Scott Pruitt, Ryan Zinke, Tom
Price, and Michael Flynn. Many others remain.
When he was in Congress, the current
White House acting Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney pocketed tens of thousands of
dollars in campaign contributions from payday lenders, then proposed loosening
regulations on them. Trump appointed Mulvaney acting head of the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau, of all things.
When he was Trump’s special adviser
on regulatory reform, Wall Street billionaire Carl Icahn sought to gut EPA’s
rule on ethanol credits which was harming his oil refinery investments.
Last week it was reported that a
real estate company partly owned by Trump son-in-law and foreign policy
advisor, Jared Kushner, has raked in $90 million from foreign investors since
Kushner entered the White House, through a secret tax haven run by Goldman
Sachs in the Cayman Islands. Kushner’s stake is some $50 million.
All this takes conflict-of-interest
to a new level of shamelessness.
What are Republicans doing about it?
Participating in it.