them roar
By Katie Willis

Sounds like it, according to new research by University of Alberta scientists.
researchers examined the elements within vocalizations that indicate a level of
arousal such as fear or excitement. They found that both humans and
black-capped chickadees can detect arousal levels in other species.
idea is that some species can understand other species’ vocalizations,”
explained Jenna Congdon, PhD student in the Department
of Psychology.
“For instance, a songbird is able to understand the
call of distress of a different type of songbird when they are in the presence
of a predator, like an owl or a hawk. Or, for example, if your friend scared
you and you screamed. Both of these are high-arousal vocalizations, and being
able to understand what that sounds like in a different species can be very
EDITOR'S NOTE: Chickadees are a year-round presence at our bird feeders and one of my favorite birds, especially when I am loading the feeders. Bold and fearless, they come very close while I am pouring the seed and, I swear, they yell at me to go faster. "DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE-DEE," five loud exclamations. Translation: "Hurry the Hell up!" They repeat this chant until I finish and step back, whereupon they are the first birds to eat. -Will Collette
Under the supervision of Professor Chris Sturdy, Congdon conducted two experiments, one examining chickadees and another examining humans.
In the experiments, participants distinguished between high- and low-arousal vocalizations produced by other species, including alligators, chickadees, elephants, humans, pandas, piglets, ravens, macaques, and tree frogs.
Human subjects were able to identify high arousal in different species.
chickadees were also able to identify high arousal in other chickadees, humans,
and giant pandas,” said Congdon.
“This is fascinating, because a chickadee that
has never come across a giant panda before is able to categorize high—and
low—arousal vocalizations.”
scientists suspect that other vocal learners, or species that learn their
vocalizations from parents and models in order to survive, have this ability as
“It is only a small group of species who do this in the world—humans, songbirds, hummingbirds, parrots, bats, whales and dolphins, and elephants,” said Congdon.
“If humans and songbirds show an innate ability to understand the vocalizations of other species, would other vocal learners show this same propensity?”
“It is only a small group of species who do this in the world—humans, songbirds, hummingbirds, parrots, bats, whales and dolphins, and elephants,” said Congdon.
“If humans and songbirds show an innate ability to understand the vocalizations of other species, would other vocal learners show this same propensity?”