pharmaceutical ingredients can persist in the environment
By Riley Steinbrenner

Because they are not connected to a public drinking water supply, the homeowners are responsible for ensuring that their own drinking water is safe.
Similar to concerns that
public drinking water treatment plants face, groundwater wells may be impacted
by another group of contaminants — and they might be part of your daily use!
Ingredients in personal
care items, over-the-counter and prescription medicines, and even food and
drink products are introduced into domestic wastewater streams and can persist
through treatment technologies.
“This causes trace-levels of these chemicals to be found in the environment,” says Heather Gall.
“Recently developed analytical technologies are now advanced enough for us to detect these compounds in water at increasingly low levels.” Gall is an assistant professor at Pennsylvania State University who studies contaminants of emerging concern in surface and groundwater.
“This causes trace-levels of these chemicals to be found in the environment,” says Heather Gall.
“Recently developed analytical technologies are now advanced enough for us to detect these compounds in water at increasingly low levels.” Gall is an assistant professor at Pennsylvania State University who studies contaminants of emerging concern in surface and groundwater.
A fully-functioning
septic system releases the effluent slowly into a septic field.
The soil, roots, and soil microbes biodegrade pollutants in the water before it
gets back into groundwater.
However, in the U.S.,
10-20% of septic tanks function poorly. This can increase the chance of these
contaminants getting to groundwater, especially those that biodegrade slowly in
the environment. After that, they can enter a downgradient household’s well
The presence of
medicines in drinking water raise public health concerns. Impacted water may
have harmful effects when consumed, but whether the levels present in private
wells are high enough to pose a threat is an understudied area of research.
So, Gall partnered with
the Pennsylvania Master Well Owner Network. Twenty-six homeowners volunteered
to collect water samples from their private wells. “Since our project engaged
private well owners, we wanted to focus on compounds they may be familiar
with,” says Gall.
Gall’s team chose to
test water samples for four common antibiotics, two over-the-counter
anti-inflammatory drugs, and one common stimulant. Each reacts differently with
soil in the septic field in different ways.
These chemicals can bind physically to soil particles. They also can react with soil, soil microbes, and other compounds in the septic field. It’s a virtual chemistry experiment when active pharmaceutical ingredients reach the septic tank.
These chemicals can bind physically to soil particles. They also can react with soil, soil microbes, and other compounds in the septic field. It’s a virtual chemistry experiment when active pharmaceutical ingredients reach the septic tank.
Gall found that
medicines’ ability to get to groundwater was mostly controlled by two factors:
sorption potential and biodegradability.
Sorption refers to the
likelihood of the medicine attaching to another substance like soil or water.
Medicines with low sorption are not likely to attach to soil in the septic field. That makes them more likely to move quickly through the soil profile and reach groundwater. The medicine most likely to reach groundwater was ofloxacin. This antibiotic was the most frequently detected medicine in the groundwater samples.
Medicines with low sorption are not likely to attach to soil in the septic field. That makes them more likely to move quickly through the soil profile and reach groundwater. The medicine most likely to reach groundwater was ofloxacin. This antibiotic was the most frequently detected medicine in the groundwater samples.
Naproxen, an
anti-inflammatory drug, had the highest sorption, and was most likely to stay
in the septic field. This could be the reason it was not detected in any of the
groundwater samples of the study.
Biodegradability is the
ability of the drug to break down in the soil. Medicines that break down
quickly are unlikely to reach the groundwater. However, some medicines
reach the groundwater before they begin breaking down. Scientists measure this
factor using “half-life”, which is how long it takes for half of the medicine
to break down.
For example, ofloxacin,
which was the most frequently detected, has a half-life of four years. However,
acetaminophen, an anti-inflammatory drug, has a half-life shorter than one day.
Luckily, so does your morning caffeine. Acetaminophen and caffeine were
detected in less than half of the collected water samples.
Overall, the sorption
potential and biodegradability of a medicine influences its ability to
contaminate groundwater. Gall’s results also show that septic tanks can impact
a household's well water quality. But, the amount of medicines found in the
samples suggest minimal risk to human health.
The issue of active
pharmaceutical ingredients being present in drinking water sources is unfortunately
something we have little control over from a use perspective. We can’t control
how much we excrete, and even when our septic tanks are working, it’s clear
that some compounds persist in the treated effluent.
“We can do our best to be good environmental stewards by bringing expired and unused medicines to take-back locations, and of course, by maintaining septic tanks for many water quality reasons,” says Gall.
“We can do our best to be good environmental stewards by bringing expired and unused medicines to take-back locations, and of course, by maintaining septic tanks for many water quality reasons,” says Gall.
For private well owners
concerned about their water quality, she recommends getting a water quality
test done for primary drinking water standards and ensuring all existing
standards are being met. Then, additional treatment technologies that can be
adopted on site to help reduce emerging contaminants.
Read more about this
research in Journal of
Environmental Quality. This research was supported by funding from
the PA Sea Grant, Penn State University, and the USDA National Institute of
Food and Agriculture Federal Appropriations under Project PEN04574 and
Accession number 1004448.