Reaction to All That Waste, for One
By James Bruggers

Representing businesses all along the supply and packaging chain, the speakers suggested solutions ranging from new technology that would take plastic back to its molecular building blocks for repeated recycling to redesigning plastic bottles with caps that stay connected to the bottle.
But none of that is happening fast enough to keep pace with the
global production of plastics, an analyst from IHS Markit told some 270 people
attending the 2019 Global Plastics Summit.
IHS Market, a co-host of the conference, expects plastics
production to grow on average 3.5 to 4 percent per year through at least 2035.
With recycling programs largely underfunded and ineffective, there's potential for billions more tons of plastic waste to be headed to landfills or out into the environment, said Dewey Johnson, an IHS Markit vice president. And new recycling technology is a decade or more away, he said.
With recycling programs largely underfunded and ineffective, there's potential for billions more tons of plastic waste to be headed to landfills or out into the environment, said Dewey Johnson, an IHS Markit vice president. And new recycling technology is a decade or more away, he said.
"The solution isn't going to happen overnight," Johnson said. "The solution is going to happen over decades." The industry, he cautioned, will need to work to "maintain trust along the ride."
Don't delay, he said, because "this continuing increase in
the plastics market increases the scale of the size of the solution."
Johnson's comment set the tone for a conference that, unlike past
gatherings, revealed an industry that is recognizing the challenges ahead as
the public becomes more aware of the growing waste problems and the climate change impact of plastics
across their lifecycle. In an interview, Johnson said
industry leaders are starting to recognize sustainability is part of their
social license to do business.
The Visual Impact of Ocean Plastics

Government officials were also there for a meeting that was dominated by sessions on sustainability.
Industry has been taking a beating in the public's eye—and cities,
states and some countries have begun to restrict, ban or regulate certain
Analysts described all this as one of many risks to plastics' economic future.
Analysts described all this as one of many risks to plastics' economic future.
Plastics "is in our air, our water, our food, our
excrement," said Nina Butler, the chief executive officer of More
Recycling, a research and consulting company that works with the plastics
industry on recycling "It's very, very pervasive."
The plastics industry has been confronted by a robust
"anti-plastics campaign," lamented Patty Long, the interim president
and chief executive officer of the Plastics Industry Association, the
conferences' other co-host.
To illustrate the industry's challenge, she showed a 2018 National
Geographic magazine cover of a plastic bag iceberg in the
ocean, an image that showed up in other presentations, as well.
"If I am going to be honest, I must say it's been pretty
uncomfortable these last six months to a year as we have watched images of
plastic strewn over beaches and pictures of sea animals with ingested
plastic," Long said. "We see it over and over and over again."
At the same time, the industry has been fighting state legislation
that seeks to curb plastics pollution, including pushing back on more than 400
bills in dozens of states. "Unfortunately, a lot of those are going to
pass," she said.
Fighting legislation is just one front in its battle. Long also
described the industry's publicity push to get people to love plastics instead
of only worrying about their impact.
She said the industry was lobbying state lawmakers, working to get
pro-plastics presentations into schools and developing a website to
carry the industry's message and give its workers something positive to say
about plastics when they are confronted about their employment.
It's a problem, she said, when "a 27-year-old might not want
to come work" in the plastics industry. In fact, three Millennial
generation workers in the plastics industry who spoke at one session confirmed
that some people out of college are shunning the industry because of
environmental concerns.
"We are at the point where we have to show progress and tout
our progress" toward sustainability, said Apurva Shah, a young marketing
manager for Charter NEX Films.
Governments Banning Single-Use Plastics
The petrochemical industry sees plastics as a long-term growth
opportunity. But right now, the industry is feeling pressure, said Jacqueline
Savitz, a top official with the environmental group Oceana. "They realize
the public has warmed up to the problem of plastics and that is going to be a
real problem for them," said Savitz, who was not at the conference.
Just this week, a study in the American Chemical Society
journal Environmental Science & Technology calculated that the average American
ingests more than 70,000 particles of microplastics per year, though the
authors said the health effects of that consumption were not clear.
Politicians are starting to respond to the concerns.
The United Nations late last year reported a surge in plastic bag
bans—nearly two thirds of countries worldwide have adopted some form of
legislation to regulate plastic bags.
In 2014, California became the first state to impose a statewide
ban on single-use plastic bags at large retail stores. Since then, Hawaii and
New York have enacted similar bans, and a newly passed
limit on single-use plastics in Vermont, where the governor has said he would
let it become law.
Cities like Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York and Washington,
D.C., have passed plastic bag bans or fees. In March, the European
Parliament approved a new law banning single-use
plastic items such as plates, cutlery and straws by 2021, and set a 90 percent
collection target for plastic bottles by 2029.
Lifecycle Problems, Including Climate Change
The conference theme was sustainability and focused a lot on waste
and recycling. But increasingly questions are being raised about plastics' role
in climate change.
Last month, a report by
the Center for International Environmental Law and several other environmental
groups found that in 2019, the production and incineration of plastic will
produce more than 850 million metric tons of greenhouse gases—equal to the
emissions from 189 large coal-fired power plants—and that the plastics
industry's carbon footprint was on track to grow rapidly in the coming decades.
Conference speakers celebrated the shale fracking boom that,
through new drilling methods, have put a glut of cheap natural gas on the
market, driving down manufacturing prices and spurring the development of a
potential new plastics production hub in Appalachia.

With the glut of cheap natural gas liquids used to make plastics, there's little financial incentive for the industry incorporate more expensive recycled content in their products, said Butler, the CEO of More Recycling. That's been a bigger problem than China's decision to restrict imports of plastic waste for recycling there, she said.
Only 9 percent of all the plastics ever made have been recycled,
scientists reported in 2017.
One answer could be what's called chemical recycling, where plastic products
are converted back into their molecular building blocks before being turned
into new products, Butler said. "We need to look at how to save the
molecule and keep it in circulation."
Companies are aggressively working to develop that technology,
said Dhaval Shah, a technical director with the global petrochemical company,
SABIC, based in Saudi Arabia.
It would reduce the need for extracting oil or gas, putting the
industry closer to a circular economy, which designs waste out
of the system, speakers said.
"In the next 25 years, we are looking at world where there
will be more plastic in the ocean than fish," said Michael Waas, a vice
president of TerraCycle, which works with companies like Procter & Gamble,
PepsiCo and Colgate-Palmolive on their recycling challenges. They have, for
example, recycled toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes into playgrounds, he said.
But, he said, "we realized we are not going to be able to
recycle ourselves out of the waste challenge."
Johnson called plastic "a miracle product" that has
"enabled the improved standard of living we enjoy." He and other
speakers touted plastics used in health care, in cars to make them lighter and
more durable to save fuel and lives, and in other everyday products.
But he said the industry needs to respond to the waste issue in a
timely manner.
"The time to act is today. Not some day," Johnson said.