Investments to address climate change are good business
of East Anglia
to their study published in Science today, reducing the
magnitude of climate change is also a good investment. Over the next few
decades, acting to reduce climate change is expected to cost much less than the
damage otherwise inflicted by climate change on people, infrastructure and
"Acting on climate change" said lead author, Prof Ove Hoegh-Guldberg from the ARC Centre for Excellence in Coral Reef Studies at the University of Queensland in Australia "has a good return on investment when one considers the damages avoided by acting."
investment is even more compelling given the wealth of evidence that the
impacts of climate change are happening faster and more extensively than
projected, even just a few years ago.
This makes the case for rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions even more compelling and urgent.
This makes the case for rapidly reducing greenhouse gas emissions even more compelling and urgent.
Hoegh-Guldberg explained the mismatch.
"First, we have underestimated the sensitivity of natural and human systems to climate change, and the speed at which these changes are happening. Second, we have underappreciated the synergistic nature of climate threats -- with the outcomes tending to be worse than the sum of the parts. This is resulting is rapid and comprehensive climate impacts, with growing damage to people, ecosystems, and livelihoods."
"First, we have underestimated the sensitivity of natural and human systems to climate change, and the speed at which these changes are happening. Second, we have underappreciated the synergistic nature of climate threats -- with the outcomes tending to be worse than the sum of the parts. This is resulting is rapid and comprehensive climate impacts, with growing damage to people, ecosystems, and livelihoods."
example, sea-level rise can lead to higher water levels during storm events.
This can create more damage. For deprived areas, this may exacerbate poverty
creating further disadvantage. Each risk may be small on its own, but a small
change in a number of risks can lead to large impacts.
Daniela Jacob, co-author and Director of Climate Services Centre (GERICS) in
Germany is concerned about these rapid changes -- especially about
unprecedented weather extremes.
are already in new territory" said Prof Jacob, "The 'novelty' of the
weather is making our ability to forecast and respond to weather-related
phenomena very difficult."
changes are having major consequences. The paper updates a database of
climate-related changes and finds that there are significant benefits from
avoiding 2C and aiming to restrict the increase to 1.5C degrees above pre-industrial
global temperatures.
Rachel Warren from the Tyndall Centre at the University of East Anglia in the
UK assessed projections of risk for forests, biodiversity, food, crops and
other critical systems, and found very significant benefits for limiting global
warming to 1.5C rather than 2.0C degrees.
scientific community has quantified these risks in order to inform policy
makers about the benefits of avoiding them," Prof Warren stated.
the Paris Agreement came into force, there has been a race to quantify the
benefits of limiting warming to 1.5C so that policy makers have the best
possible information for developing the policy required for doing it.
Warren continued. "If such policy is not implemented, we will continue on
the current upward trajectory of burning fossil fuels and continuing
deforestation, which will expand the already large-scale degradation of
ecosystems. To be honest, the overall picture is very grim unless we act."
A recent report from the United Nations projected that as many as a million species may be at risk of extinction over the coming decades and centuries. Climate change is not the only factor but is one of the most important ones.
urgency of responding to climate change is at front of mind for Prof Michael
Taylor, co-author and Dean of Science at the University of the West Indies.
"This is not an academic issue, it is a matter of life and death for
people everywhere. That said, people from small island States and low-lying
countries are in the immediate cross-hairs of climate change."
am very concerned about the future for these people," said Professor
urgency to act is further emphasized by the vulnerability of developing countries
to climate change impacts as pointed out by Francois Engelbrecht, co-author and
Professor of Climatology at the Global Change Institute of the University of
the Witwatersrand in South Africa.
developing African countries are amongst those to be affected most in terms of
impacts on economic growth in the absence of strong climate change
mitigation," Prof Engelbrecht explains.
Hoegh-Guldberg reiterated the importance of the coming year (2020) in terms of
climate action and the opportunity to strengthen emission reduction pledges in
line with the Paris Agreement of 2015.
emission reduction commitments are inadequate and risk throwing many nations
into chaos and harm, with a particular vulnerability of poor peoples. To avoid
this, we must accelerate action and tighten emission reduction targets so that
they fall in line with the Paris Agreement. As we show, this is much less
costly than suffering the impacts of 2C or more of climate change. Tackling
climate change is a tall order. However, there is no alternative from the
perspective of human well-being -- and too much at stake not to act urgently on
this issue."