Sunday, November 24, 2019

RI Nature Video Festival

Call for Submissions, Due December 20th

Environment Council of Rhode IslandRhode Islanders are invited to submit nature videos for the RI Nature Video Festival to be held at URI on Saturday February 22, 2020 at 2 PM

Rhode Island has an abundance of nature, even in the city, and often times many people carry a camera capable of taking video. 

We are gathering RI nature videos, RI nature video-makers, and everyone who appreciates them for a fun, entertaining, and informative winter's afternoon nature showcase with a discussion/reception to follow.

This event is presented by the Environment Council of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Natural History Survey. It will be held in the Doody Auditorium at Swan Hall on the main URI campus.

Please note our video submission guidelines below. 

This year's festival will have FREE ADMISSION!

If you have any questions email the Environment Council of Rhode Island or if you prefer you may call the ECRI office at 401-621-8048.

We look forward to your submissions,

Greg Gerritt for ECRI – Youtube: Moshassuckcritters

RI Nature Video Festival Submission Guidelines

• Submission deadline December 20, 2019 for an event that will be held on February 22, 2020 at URI.

• The video must be filmed in Rhode Island by a human being or a group of human beings currently residing in or going to school in Rhode Island.  The video must be about some sort of nature in Rhode Island.  Animal, vegetable, mineral, trail, and/or water, but it must at least be focused on a natural or naturalized set of plants or animals, or natural features. This means no dogs, cats, pet fish, pet birds, or farm animals. Sorry. Turtles, snakes, and amphibians should be native species that are free ranging or bound for release like tadpoles in your kiddie pool. No illegally kept or exotics will be included in the festival. Incidental inclusion of domestic animals is okay, as are farms and gardens. Videos showing the science of soil or the wild critters and plants in the garden would be eligible.

• Videos must be submitted by emailing a link to a video that is online. Send the links to

• Submissions must include the Name(s) of those who created the video with full contact information: Address, Phone, Email, Age category (12 and under, teen, student, adult, make up your own) and video credits. If you are a beginner and wish to inform us of that, that would go here as well.

• Submitting a video is explicit permission for Festival Organizers to use it in the event and (optional) to post the link online. The organizers of the Festival shall have sole discretion as to which videos are eligible. All eligible videos submitted will be included in the online video festival website (optional).  The organizers shall designate a small committee to curate the submissions from which approximately 20 videos will be chosen.

• There are many different styles of video that can showcase RI Nature. We encourage submissions of everything from a simple recording of an animal in action to a narrated and edited piece showing the year at a pond and everything in between.

• We are restricting the submissions to videos created since our last Nature Video Festival. Therefore, only videos created since January 1, 2018 will be accepted. We want your new stuff!

• Based on submissions, the committee will create categories, partly to guide the order of presentation at the festival and partly to make sure that we show the diversity of the community and nature in Rhode Island. Places will be reserved for children under twelve, teens, and students.

• The maximum acceptable length of a submitted video is 5 minutes so that we can show videos by as many people as possible. Video makers can submit up to 3 videos. Quality, not quantity, for the experienced, but beginners are encouraged to submit, as often the nature being recorded more than compensates for quality of the video. We highly encourage folks to go outside a make a new video just for the show.

• Any video, other than an unedited scene in nature, longer than 45 seconds must include credits. Videos with copyright violations shall be rejected. (Where did you get that music?)

• Again, submit the complete video information with link to:

• HAVE FUN and we look forward to an interesting selection of nature video viewing that showcases to the world Rhode Island at its best.