reveals generational, political divides over economic outlook
Brown University

The poll results, released on Monday, Dec. 2,
by the Taubman Center for American Politics and Policy at
Brown University, show that Democrats and Republicans do not see eye to eye on
the country’s economy or on the state of its government — and nor do young
adults and seniors.
According to data from
1,000 responses to a 24-question survey, conducted via the web on Oct. 10 and
11, 77% of self-identified Republicans in the U.S. believe the economy is
getting better, while just 14% of Democrats believe the same. And while 51% of
adults age 65 or older were optimistic about the country’s economic future, only
31% of adults ages 18 to 29 thought things were improving.
Asked about the
current state of the economy, just 28% of Democrats characterized it as “good,”
compared to 85% of Republicans. And while nearly two-thirds of seniors thought
the economy was doing well, only 41% of adults younger than 30 agreed.
“We saw evidence of
deep partisan and age divides in our country in the 2016 and 2018 elections,
and the results of this poll confirm those differences in opinion haven’t
eased,” said Susan Moffitt, director of the Taubman Center. “If younger
generations were to turn out to vote at higher rates than usual in the 2020
election, we could see changes in leadership.”
Poll respondents were
also divided along partisan lines on what they perceive as the biggest problem
facing the country today, Moffitt said.
Nearly half of Democrats polled said they believe the problem is U.S. President Donald Trump, ahead of the economy, health care, education and eight other hot-button issues; Republicans, by contrast, said they believe the biggest problems are immigration (28%) and government corruption (21%).
Nearly half of Democrats polled said they believe the problem is U.S. President Donald Trump, ahead of the economy, health care, education and eight other hot-button issues; Republicans, by contrast, said they believe the biggest problems are immigration (28%) and government corruption (21%).
There was at least some disagreement between Republicans and Democrats — and between younger and older adults — on almost every topic covered in the poll, from safety in schools and cities to personal finances. But the majority of the population did agree on one thing: the government is not trustworthy.
In response to the
statement, “When I think about our government, I think that it can be trusted
to do what is right,” 56% of all respondents said they somewhat or strongly
disagreed. Seniors were the least likely to find the government trustworthy,
with just 15% registering agreement with the statement; Republicans were most
likely, with 27% agreeing.
More than half of all
respondents also disagreed with the statement “I think that our government
listens to people like me” and agreed with the statement “I think that [the
government] benefits other people more than it benefits me” — revealing,
Moffitt said, that many millions of Americans don’t feel heard or supported by
national leaders.
“These views reflect a
core challenge facing American democracy today — the challenge of
representation,” Moffitt said.
The Taubman Center
poll also showed that Americans between the ages of 50 and 64 feel the least
secure about their personal finances. Just 39% of those in that age group said
they felt good about their current savings, compared to 63% of seniors and 41%
of adults younger than 30. And 48% of 50- to 64-year-olds said they did not
feel confident about their ability to pay for an unforeseen expense, compared
to 20% of seniors, 36% of 30- to 49-year-olds and 39% of under-30s.
The poll also reveals
that most Americans believe safety in their own communities has neither
improved nor worsened in the past decade — but half of respondents said
they believe schools and cities are less safe today. Forty-two percent said
they believed that the nation as a whole had become less safe.
Methodology and data
The poll results were
based on an online panel of respondents that the nonpartisan polling
organization YouGov selected
using a technique called matched random sampling.
“YouGov starts by
drawing a random sample from the target population — U.S. adults — using the
2016 American Community Survey (ACS) one-year sample,” explained Paul Testa, an
assistant professor of political science at Brown.
“Next, YouGov uses an algorithm to select respondents from its online panel of 1.8 million U.S. residents who are a close match to the individuals sampled from the ACS on gender, age, race and education. The final results are then weighted by respondents’ 2016 presidential vote choice and a four-way stratification of gender, age, race and education.”
“Next, YouGov uses an algorithm to select respondents from its online panel of 1.8 million U.S. residents who are a close match to the individuals sampled from the ACS on gender, age, race and education. The final results are then weighted by respondents’ 2016 presidential vote choice and a four-way stratification of gender, age, race and education.”
Overall, the approach
yields a national sample of comparable utility to other common methods like
telephone surveys using random digit dialing, Testa added.
The raw data are
available on the Taubman Center website, along with an interactive tool that allows users
to quickly create visual representations of the data.
The full sample has a
model-based margin of error of +/- 3.4%, with a larger margin for subgroup
results. This margin is based on a specific set of statistical assumptions
rather than conventional random sampling — only if these assumptions
hold is the margin accurate.