University of Cologne

Cynical beliefs about human nature, in turn, contribute to again being treated disrespectfully by others -- and behaving disrespectfully towards others oneself.
Through elaborate cross-sectional, longitudinal and experimental studies, the scientists showed that disrespect and cynicism constitute a vicious circle.
The joint publication by the social psychologist Dr Daniel
Ehlebracht (University of Cologne) as well as Dr Olga Stavrova (Tilburg
University, Netherlands) and Dr Kathleen D. Vohs (University of Minnesota,
USA), is now available in an online version and will soon appear in the Journal
of Experimental Psychology: General.
The researchers used different methods: They proved the causal
effect of experienced disrespect on cynicism as well as the opposite case,
i.e., of cynicism on experiencing disrespect, in a total of five experimental
studies with 1,149 participants, and one diary study with 462 participants.
A cross-sectional analysis of data from the European Social Survey (ESS) with representative population samples of European countries (a total of 53,333 respondents) showed a clear connection between experienced disrespect and cynicism in 28 out of 29 countries.
A longitudinal analysis of data from the US Health and
Retirement Study (HRS) with a total of 19,922 respondents showed that, on the
one hand, experienced disrespect predicted the development of cynicism over a
period of four years. On the other hand, harboring cynical beliefs about human
nature also made future experiences of disrespect more likely.
Daniel Ehlebracht remarked: 'When people are treated
disrespectfully by others, they often tend to generalize their negative
experiences and unwarrantedly consider other people to be immoral, unfair and
selfish in general. However, such a distorted image of humanity can
paradoxically lead to provoking renewed bad experiences with other people and
also to a tendency to treat others badly oneself.'
According to Ehlebracht, the scientists' new findings can also
help to understand why cynicism and disrespect towards others are on the rise
in many societies.