Connecting with nature can give people a needed
boost — and help save wildlife, too.
By Tara Lohan
Photos of Charlestown critters by Will Collette
Millions of people who aren’t frontline workers in the COVID-19
pandemic are adjusting to a new routine that means staying home — or close to
it. Many are seeking solace outside.
Nature is good for our health. And during stressful times, it
can be a lifeline.
“I’ve become convinced that even in the background — green space, biodiversity, birdsong — access to nature is crucial for good population health,” Lucy Jones, author of the new book Losing Eden: Why Our Minds Need the Wild, told Huck Magazine. “And it’s not a luxury, an add-on or a frill: It’s central to our humanity and our sanity.”
You don’t need to flock to dangerously overcrowded national parks to do this.
Experts say you can find nature where you are already — whether that’s your
backyard, a window box, or whatever sliver of wild is within reach. For many
people, including kids, that may begin with learning what kind of nonhuman
neighbors they have.
If you’re not sure where to start, try birds.
“If you’re out for a walk, it’s an opportunity to begin to listen to what life is in your neighborhood.”
And fortunately, you may not even need to leave your house.
“Backyard birding by putting out feeders is a lot of
people’s entrée into the birding world,” says Andrea Jones,
director of bird conservation for Audubon California.
Birds are easier to spot when
they sit still to eat. (Just make sure you know what to safely feed them and
how to keep the feeder clean.)
You can simply delight in their presence or go further and learn
which species they are. There are lots of apps that can
help you identify birds and birdsong, including one from the Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology that
can match your photos with species and another
from Audubon that lets you track what you’ve seen and share it
with friends.
Birding in the days of quarantine doesn’t have to be an entirely
solitary pursuit.
And now’s an especially good time to get into birds, since the
spring migration in North America is underway — or, in the northern areas, will
be starting soon.
Migration is a bonus for those who lives in cities, where
biodiversity is usually lower than in rural areas.
“Many cities can have huge waves of migrants and really high
diversity,” says Jones. “Parks with flowering trees and ornamentals attract a
lot of insects and get huge pulses of migrants, particularly warblers.”
Watch for Yourself — and for Science
As important as it is to connect with nature on a personal
level, you can also be a part of something bigger by recording what you’re
seeing and sharing that information with scientists who
track bird migration over time. Your data could help them to better understand
how factors like climate change, habitat loss and pesticides may be affecting
bird populations and movements.

“Cornell University [uses that information] to build maps that show how birds are moving across our landscape in real time,” says Jones. “You can see a wave of tanagers coming through.”
Audubon has used volunteer data to build climate maps showing what kind of habitat birds prefer, how that may have shifted, and whether birds will have the habitat they need in the future as the climate changes, she says.
Birding may help give people a reprieve from the day’s stress,
but birds can also tell us a lot about the places around us.
Diseases passed between migratory waterfowl can provide a warning about contaminants in water. Or a lack of insect-eating birds could indicate a loss of insects from things like pesticides and insecticides, Jones says.
“We see that with flycatchers not showing up in some areas, and
we think it may be attributed to loss of a food source they need,” she says.
“They tell us a lot about the health of the environment because of what they
Changes are afoot. A 2019 study found that the population of
North America’s birds has dropped 30% since 1970 — a loss of nearly 3 billion
Learning about birds can translate into learning to protect
birds, says Rowden. And it can provide an opportunity to learn more about other
parts of our natural world, too — like native plants.
“As people are mandated or encouraged to stay home, there are lots of plants that can support birds that can be grown from seeds — even in window boxes if you don’t have a yard,” says Rowden.
Finding more than just birds? Another app called iNaturalist, a joint project of the California Academy of Sciences and the National Geographic Society, can help you identify and track just about any plant or animal you see around you — and share that information with scientists and other users.
Ready? Some Tips to Get Started
If you want to see more birds and other wildlife, try going
outside around dawn or dusk. Or change your perspective — get down low to see
what’s crawling, hopping, or slithering on the ground. There’s a lot more
to see than birds, after all.
And record what you see over time. That’s particularly important
right now: As our routines change, how’s wildlife in our communities
Stay quiet, walk slowly, or better yet, try sitting still for a
bit. That may take some practice.
Connecting with nature can make these difficult days more
bearable — even, at times, beautiful.
This is an opportunity to appreciate what you’ve got in your
backyard, says Jones.
“I discovered there’s an oak titmouse nesting on my back patio,”
she says. “If I wasn’t working from home every day, I wouldn’t know that and
I’d be going to some far-off location to look for birds and not know I had
something cool five feet from my back door.”
Tara Lohan is deputy editor
of The Revelator and has worked for more than a decade as a
digital editor and environmental journalist focused on the intersections of
energy, water and climate. Her work has been published by The Nation, American
Prospect, High Country News, Grist, Pacific
Standard and others. She is the editor of two books on the global
water crisis.