The Time for Preventing
Even Greater Dangers from Donald Trump is Now
By Bandy X. Lee
If he continues in
this, he will:
- Make a deadly pandemic much worse
- Stoke divisions between “believers” and “unbelievers” in his alternate reality:
- Vastly augment suffering by directing widespread violence
It is not difficult
for scientists to see the president has already exacerbated the coronavirus
pandemic in many ways.
The reasons are
psychological: He is incapable of
doing what is necessary, for that would require him to face
reality which includes his own emptiness and incapacity.
There is no surprise
that he dismantled the
infrastructure of a top program for global pandemic
preparedness in the world “to save money,” only to pay for it with trillions of
dollars. Those dollars won’t bring back the economy or millions of the dead.
Again, reality will
not matter.
A leader who is truly
convinced of his false beliefs will be far more effective at spreading those
beliefs among his followers than any rational strategy. Soon, a
leader’s pathology becomes a nation’s.

Severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS) was a near-pandemic that was stopped because
a global network
of professionals rapidly detected it.
They did so months before the World Health Organization (WHO) even announced the disease. When H1N1, or swine flu, was detected in Mexico and then the United States in the same month, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released medical supplies and drugs within a week. Accurate testing came out in less than two weeks, and was shared with other countries.
They did so months before the World Health Organization (WHO) even announced the disease. When H1N1, or swine flu, was detected in Mexico and then the United States in the same month, the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released medical supplies and drugs within a week. Accurate testing came out in less than two weeks, and was shared with other countries.
A Different Story
Coronavirus, which
causes COVID-19, has been a very different story. At any other time, we would
have led efforts and coordinated global fights against epidemics. But the
science-averse Trump administration had already axed the CDC expert in
Meanwhile, the
authoritarian Chinese government reprimanded and
silenced the physician who tried to raise alarms about the
virus in December 2019. China’s denial and desire to present orderliness caused
the disease to spread freely in the critical early stages.
After five weeks, however, China instituted a vigorous lockdown that broke the spread after two months.
After five weeks, however, China instituted a vigorous lockdown that broke the spread after two months.
Our government, by
- Ignored ominous, classified warnings about the global danger through January and February
- Declined testing that was already available through the WHO
- Actively downplayed the threat by falsely stating, “we have it totally under control,” calling it the Democrats’ “new hoax” and that “like a miracle, it will disappear”
Despite causing the
need for extreme measures by allowing the disease to spread freely
in the critical stages, Donald Trump first touted lifting isolation
orders by Easter to stimulate the economy.
In the absence of a cure or a vaccine, while infections still exponentially rose, we have surpassed every country of the world at over 140,000 cases and more than 2,600 deaths. The Easter tack would have been a recipe for the disease to spiral out of control.
In the absence of a cure or a vaccine, while infections still exponentially rose, we have surpassed every country of the world at over 140,000 cases and more than 2,600 deaths. The Easter tack would have been a recipe for the disease to spiral out of control.
While Trump
finally backed down under
great pressure, we see what historians might come to call pure madness.
and Pathology
As a forensic
psychiatrist, I make distinctions between the criminal-mindedness and mental
pathology that might combine to produce this kind of madness.
These are separate
concepts: most criminal minds are not mentally ill, and most mentally ill minds
are not criminal.
Yet they are not mutually exclusive: when criminal-mindedness combines with mental pathology or, more, mobilizes it, atrocities such as genocide (or democide) become possible.
We see this when Donald Trump observes the “effectiveness” of his “gut”; he believes it to be good strategy on his part when he is enabling the power of pathology that will eventually be destructive to all, including himself.
Yet they are not mutually exclusive: when criminal-mindedness combines with mental pathology or, more, mobilizes it, atrocities such as genocide (or democide) become possible.
We see this when Donald Trump observes the “effectiveness” of his “gut”; he believes it to be good strategy on his part when he is enabling the power of pathology that will eventually be destructive to all, including himself.
The lack of conscience
and detachment from reality make critical situations far worse.
This holds equally
true for the economy as for the viral pandemic. Unable to recognize the
underlying cause of the economic downturn, Trump manages neither the public
health crisis nor the devastation of people, and the markets respond accordingly.
Just as with his gutting of our pandemic response capabilities, he had squandered our economic response capabilities earlier by threatening the Federal Reserve to inflate an artificial economy for his reelection purposes. Now, he has pressured it into depleting the rest of its ammunition when the war has barely begun.
Just as with his gutting of our pandemic response capabilities, he had squandered our economic response capabilities earlier by threatening the Federal Reserve to inflate an artificial economy for his reelection purposes. Now, he has pressured it into depleting the rest of its ammunition when the war has barely begun.
Transmitting Delusions
Another effect of
pathology is that delusions will be more infectious: A leader who is truly
convinced of his false beliefs will be far more effective at spreading those
beliefs among his followers than any rational strategy. Soon, a
leader’s pathology becomes a nation’s.
Delusions, unlike mere
misinformation, transmit through emotional bonds, which in turn make their
recipients highly resistant to true information and dangerously defensive when
facts catch up with them. Because deaths, suffering and ruined livelihoods are
real, fury will build.
As Trump creates more
crises, these become opportunities for the criminal mind to further its hold on
power. Since the growing fury will never be directed at its true source, it
becomes a weapon for the source to redirect against his enemies, critics or
whatever target he wishes.
We have already seen
what he can do by calling the novel coronavirus “Chinese virus,”
simultaneously deflecting blame and creating new targets for attack. Meanwhile,
vast suffering and deaths will solidify his followers in fearful dependence,
defensive idealization nd obedience to cultic programming.
He is already using daily press conferences for hypnosis of himself as protector and giver of false reassurances, even as they recklessly harm and kill.
He is already using daily press conferences for hypnosis of himself as protector and giver of false reassurances, even as they recklessly harm and kill.
People have seen
how pathology runs
deep and is not something a person can pivot from to manage a
country. The coronavirus situation is worse than a war, affecting almost every
country on earth. The death toll and hardship he multiplies
could lead to actual international conflicts and, thanks to the nuclear arms
race he renewed, potential nuclear war.
Those who believe they
have seen the bottom are unaware that this is actually the tip of the
iceberg. Like all pandemics, the time for prevention is before we
see the full effects; for his mental health pandemic, the time for it is