News staff

Used clothing and
textile services have been hardest hit. The collection and sales of clothes,
shoes, and household items were suspended in Massachusetts as a nonessential
service, prompting the closure of retailers and related services.
Savers thrift stores have temporarily shuttered in Rhode Island and across southern New England, hurting its nonprofit partners that sell them used items. One casualty, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island, had to layoff two-thirds of its workforce because of the financial stream it relies on from Savers.
Savers thrift stores have temporarily shuttered in Rhode Island and across southern New England, hurting its nonprofit partners that sell them used items. One casualty, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Rhode Island, had to layoff two-thirds of its workforce because of the financial stream it relies on from Savers.
Big Brothers Big Sisters
and The Salvation Army
suspended their textile and used clothing pick-up service and closed their
drop-off centers.
Parking lot drop-off
bins offered by The Salvation Army, Goodwill Southern New England, Big Brothers
Big Sisters and others are still open and being serviced.
The “nonessential” tag
in Massachusetts caused Simple Recycling to
temporarily halt its curbside textile pickup in Rhode Island, where the service
is offered through a partnership with municipalities such as Coventry and
Food-scrap collection services Rhodeside Revival and Bootstrap Compost have suspended pick-up service until the global pandemic subsides. The companies are urging customers to use local drop-offs hubs. Find a list here.
Some collections sites,
however, such as the one at Hope Artiste Village in Pawtucket, have been
Other residential
food-scrap collection services like Harvest Cycle Compost in Providence are still
making pickups. A March 31 post on ecoRI News’ Instagram account noted that the
pickup part of the operation had been suspended. “We're not actually making
pickups right now, we’re letting our members drop off their own scraps at our
garden and hopefully a few more pickup sites around town soon!"
Commercial operators and
neighborhood composting services including the Compost Depot at Frey Gardens
in Providence and Healthy Soil Healthy Seas Rhode
Island in Middletown remain open. Frey Gardens has beefed up
capacity, signage, and sanitation services at its Compost Depot.
Bag ban suspended
In East Greenwich, town manager Andrew Nota suspended the town’s bag ban until Gov. Gina Raimondo lifts the state of emergency.
In East Greenwich, town manager Andrew Nota suspended the town’s bag ban until Gov. Gina Raimondo lifts the state of emergency.
“It was for one reason
and one reason only,” Nota said, “to make it as easy as possible for
restaurants to provide takeout during this period of time.”
The exemption gives the
town’s 50-plus restaurants another option for takeout orders now that dining in
isn’t permitted.
“It was purely about
service and accessibility,” Nota said.
Central Landfill
The Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC) suspended until April 13 all public tours of the landfill and recycling center. Eco-Depot collections of household hazardous waste in Johnston and municipal drop-off events are suspended until the same date.
The Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC) suspended until April 13 all public tours of the landfill and recycling center. Eco-Depot collections of household hazardous waste in Johnston and municipal drop-off events are suspended until the same date.
The volume of waste and
recycling heading to the Central Landfill and materials recovery facility (MRF)
is holding steady with no new disruptions along the distribution chain for
recycled materials.
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management (DEM) granted RIRRC the option of disposing of recycling in the landfill if the virus sickens staff to the level that the MRF can’t operate. RIRRC is sanitizing work spaces, employee vehicles, and truck delivery areas. No layoffs have occurred. Employees performing non-critical services have been reassigned to the most essential operations.
Jared Rhodes, RIRRC’s
director of policies and programs, is reminding the public to throw away used
cleaning items such as tissues, paper towels, napkins, and wipes of any kind
and refrain from putting them into recycling bins, even if they are unused.
Keep wipes out of the toilet, as well.
Medical waste
DEM was initially concerned that the virus would create a glut of medical waste and overwhelm the state’s two medical-waste sterilizers, called autoclaves, at Rhode Island Hospital and at the medical-waste company Stericycle in Woonsocket.
DEM was initially concerned that the virus would create a glut of medical waste and overwhelm the state’s two medical-waste sterilizers, called autoclaves, at Rhode Island Hospital and at the medical-waste company Stericycle in Woonsocket.
But the closure of
dental offices and other medical services has kept medical waste at a
manageable level.
“I haven't seen the
enormous influx (of waste) we are bracing for,” said Mark Dennen, supervising
environmental scientist with DEM’s Office of Waste Management.
Municipal services.
No city or town has suspended curbside recycling and trash collection, but some have altered other services and closed department of public works to visitors.
No city or town has suspended curbside recycling and trash collection, but some have altered other services and closed department of public works to visitors.
Burrillville suspended pickup of appliances and other
bulk-waste items such as furniture and carpeting.
Coventry suspended bulk waste and curbside textile
pickups and closed its transfer station. The Eco-Depot scheduled for April 11
and an Earth Day cleanup set for April 25 have been canceled.
Cranston suspended bulk-waste pickups and its mattress
collection and drop-off at its DPW garage.
Providence suspended bulk-waste pickups and its Saturday
morning mattress drop-off at the DPW on Allens Avenue.
Westerly’s transfer station is only taking trash and
recycling. Bulk-waste and other items will not be accepted.
Woonsocket closed its Swap Shed at the recycling center,
which otherwise remains open.
Check your city and town
for updates here.