Islanders can drop off CPAP/BiPAP machines no longer in use to fire departments
across state
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Typical CPAP machine (Wikipedia). If you have one you are not using, consider donating it for conversion into a ventilator. |
As states struggle with limited supplies of
ventilators for patients in intensive care units as a result of the novel
coronavirus pandemic, the partners came together quickly to support and
assist Gov. Gina Raimondo’s efforts to provide additional respiratory
equipment that could be used by hospitals to address this respiratory crisis.
The newly formed VentilatorProject.Org, led
by Alex Hornstein in Providence, is made up of a committed group of volunteers,
including engineers, designers, technologists and doctors.
VentilatorProject.Org has been coordinating with doctors around the world to collect, vet and document innovative uses of these machines in hospitals as they treat COVID-19 patients without exposing health care workers to aerosolized virus.
VentilatorProject.Org has been coordinating with doctors around the world to collect, vet and document innovative uses of these machines in hospitals as they treat COVID-19 patients without exposing health care workers to aerosolized virus.
“Since we started in mid-March, our team has grown to 60 volunteers who have been working around the clock to understand the needs of doctors and hospitals, researching and testing technology as it becomes available, designing this donation drive, and coordinating with medical professionals and innovative public servants. It’s amazing how friends, neighbors and talented strangers around the world have quickly come together to rise to this great challenge that faces us all. Our tight-knit community in the nation’s smallest state has been a great asset, allowing us to quickly and effectively reach and work with key COVID-19 responders across our state,” Hornstein said.
According to industry statistics,
VentilatorProject.Org models that of the 8.5 million sleep apnea machines in
homes in America, 2.9 million of those CPAPs and BiPAP machines are not in use.
These extra machines could be donated by willing owners, refurbished and brought to hospitals to help provide additional respiratory equipment and give doctors the flexibility to free up time on the hospital ventilators. The team estimates that 9,000 such machines are available in Rhode Island.
These extra machines could be donated by willing owners, refurbished and brought to hospitals to help provide additional respiratory equipment and give doctors the flexibility to free up time on the hospital ventilators. The team estimates that 9,000 such machines are available in Rhode Island.
The big question being asked of Rhode
Islanders by the Community CPAP/BiPAP drive is, “Do you have an extra
CPAP/BiPAP machine in your home to help our hospitals during this crisis?”
State residents can donate new or used units to support hospitals as they work
with patients affected by COVID-19.
Here are the key steps in the process that
begins this week:
- Drop
off your machine at collection centers at fire departments across the
state. Please do not donate your machine if you are currently using
it or if it is still owned by your insurance company.
- Your
machine will be brought to a processing center at the University of Rhode
Island, where technical volunteers from across the University will work to
sanitize, test, document and refurbish the machines under the oversight of
Tao Wei, URI associate professor of electrical engineering.
- Refurbished
machines will be distributed to hospitals and health care facilities in
Rhode Island as needed, and then to other places in need.
There is significant precedent to hospitals
incorporating these home-use machines in this crisis. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
issued guidance to help facilitate their use in hospitals, and
doctors at The Mount Sinai
Hospital and Northwell Health in
New York both issued recent protocols for using home-use BiPAP-ST machines in a
hospital setting to treat COVID-19 patients.
“Rhode Island Commerce is
grateful to be collaborating with everybody who is contributing to the Community
CPAP/BiPAP Donation Drive, including VentilatorProject.Org, which has swiftly
and creatively responded to this pandemic,” said Pete Rumsey, member of the
Ventilator Task Force within the state’s COVID-19 Working Group, who also
serves the Rhode Island Commerce Corporation as director of the Rhode Island
Innovation Campus Initiative. “Please donate your extra machine and let’s work
together to help our community breathe,” adds Rumsey.
URI President
David M. Dooley said URI’s role in such a vital project is consistent with its
founding in 1892 as a Land Grant institution. “Our participation in this
extraordinary venture exemplifies the central mission of the University–to be
of service to Rhode Island and its citizens and to bring our expertise and
ingenuity to our community and the world,” Dooley said.
“We are honored to be working with some of the
best and most creative minds in Rhode Island and the selfless men and women of
the fire service to take on one of the biggest challenges of our time. I am
confident that we will be successful in this effort to help save the lives of
our neighbors here and around the world.”
Peter Snyder, vice president for research and
economic development, said the University’s Division of Research and Economic
Development and URI Ventures are playing a key role in the effort.
“I am proud of the effort being made by units
and departments across the University to support this important initiative,”
Snyder said. “Our world-class research and technical skills will be essential
components of this statewide collaboration that has been organized to help the
state during this crisis. I am grateful for the outstanding support from URI’s
Division of Student Affairs and other campus units.”
Those intending to donate their machines
- Remove
any parts that have been in contact with a person (masks, hoses).
- Discard
any water remaining in your unit’s humidifier.
- Wash
your hands and wipe down all surfaces with an unscented disinfecting spray
or wipe.
- Place
the machine in an unscented garbage bag and tie it closed.
- Wash
your hands again, and write the machine’s information (machine type, make,
model) on a piece of paper and tape it to the bag.
- Drop
off your bag at one of the designated fire stations, making sure to
maintain 6 feet between you and other individuals and follow proper
hand-washing procedures before, during and after delivery.
Go to ventilatorproject.org/donate-now to find your closest drop-off point - Do
not bring your machine to a collection site if you or someone in your home
has been sick in the last 14 days.
- Only
donate machines that you own, not ones that are leased by your insurer.
It is important to note that these machines
should not be used at-home to treat COVID-19 — it is imperative that patients
with COVID-19 who need respiratory support be in a hospital. When the donated
machines arrive at URI, the team refurbishes and documents the machines to be
used safely in a hospital setting and under the guidance of a medical