By Will Collette

The International Space Station (ISS) has been making a number of overflights of Charlestown over the past couple of weeks, but I only report on those where both the duration of the flight and the weather mesh. No point in reporting an event you are not likely to see.
The National Weather Service forecast calls for clear skies, so chances are good for a viewing of the International Space Station as it flies over Charlestown at 9:02 tonight. They are forecasting thunderstorms for later in the night.
You can sign up with NASA's "Spot the Station" listserve and get a warning e-mail before such overflights. Click here to sign up for the alerts.
It will be a six-minute run, just shy of the maximum amount of time it takes for the ISS to go from one end of the horizon to the other.
The space station will appear as if out of nowhere at 9:02 PM sharp in the northwest at 10 degrees over the horizon.
Time: Fri Jul 28 9:02 PM, Visible: 6 min,
Max Height: 55°, Appears: 10° above NW, Disappears: 14° above ESE
It will rise to 55 degrees and track to the east southeast where it will disappear at a low 14 degrees above the horizon as it loses the sun's reflected light.
It is about as bright as a passing jetliner - but no blinking - as it makes a quick and silent arc up to its maximum elevation.
Here's the exact wording of today's alert:
Catch the official National Weather Service forecast for Charlestown HERE.
Time: Fri Jul 28 9:02 PM, Visible: 6 min, Max Height: 55°, Appears: 10° above NW, Disappears: 14° above ESE