Bolton describes how Trump commits and condones crimes against humanity
David Cay Johnston, DCReport Editor-in-Chief

Bolton shows Trump has
no regard for our Constitution, using example after damning example of disloyal
private conduct.
“The Room Where It
Happened,” Bolton’s book, shows that Trump routinely commits felonies. He wants
“execution” of journalists. He tries to rig criminal prosecutions to curry
favor with dictators.
Bolton shows Trump has
no regard for our Constitution, using example after damning example of disloyal
private conduct.
His book confirms key
points that I have been warning people about for five-plus years. Trump is:
- appallingly ignorant
- disloyal
- dumb
- heartless
- possessed of violent desires for revenge
- thinks nothing of selling out our country for personal gain
Consider the scariest
anecdote in Bolton’s book. It is one that has gotten little attention in the
mainstream news. No one else has connected the dots, the awful dots.
Connect them and you
realize Trump gave China support in cutting up people while they were alive.
Beijing operates these human chop shops, selling its enemies organs. Or, it
awards human parts to loyal communist party members in need of transplants.
Bolton is himself an
amoral monster. He played a significant role in the gratuitous American
invasion of Iraq 17 years ago. There were at least 208,000 documented deaths and perhaps twice
that figure.
That Bolton didn’t
willingly testify during the Trump impeachment proceedings shows he cares more
about his $2 million book advance than his country.
Still, Trump surrounds
himself with people possessed of deeply flawed character. Just as prosecutors
often rely on criminals to catch other criminals, so should we pay heed to
Trump dismisses Bolton as a “disgruntled boring fool” whose book is “made up of lies & fake stories.”
Building More
Concentration Camps
Bolton writes that
Trump twice encouraged President Xi’s construction of more concentration camps
for Uyghurs.
These Chinese Muslims
will not abandon their faith and bow down to the communist party.
Bolton quotes Trump as
telling Xi that building more concentration camps “is exactly the right thing
to do.”
“On the 30th anniversary of China’s massacre of pro-democracy demonstrators in Tiananmen Square, Trump refused to issue a White House statement. ‘That was 15 years ago,’ he said, inaccurately. ‘Who cares about it? I’m trying to make a deal. I don’t want anything.’ And that was that.“Beijing’s repression of its Uighur citizens also proceeded apace. Trump asked me at the 2018 White House Christmas dinner why we were considering sanctioning China over its treatment of the Uighurs, a largely Muslim people who live primarily in China’s northwest Xinjiang Province.“At the opening dinner of the Osaka G-20 meeting in June 2019, with only interpreters present, Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. According to our interpreter, Trump said that Xi should go ahead with building the camps, which Trump thought was exactly the right thing to do. The National Security Council’s top Asia staffer, Matthew Pottinger, told me that Trump said something very similar during his November 2017 trip to China.”
Bolton doesn’t
explain, at least in the excerpt I read, that these are not just benign camps.
They are composed of at least a million people who Beijing is
persecuting. And, they are horror chambers right out of Nazi Josef
Mengele’s nightmare concepts of medical practice.
Vivisecting Chinese
Dissidents Alive
Chinese concentration
camps are centers for the torture and murder of those Beijing considers enemies
of the people—Uyghurs and followers of Falun
Gong. The latter is a
spiritual movement that emphasizes truth and compassion. Beijing
condemns it as an “evil cult.”
camp doctors vivisect some believers alive, the China Tribunal in London
determined last year after
extensive investigation. The tribunal heard testimony by, among others, a
participating surgeon. It concluded that “beyond reasonable doubt” China
harvests organs from unwilling people. You can view the film version here.
There has been a
deafening silence of American clergy—priests, pastors, rabbis and even
imams—about Beijing’s torture and murder of believers.
This helps explain how
Trump, an immoral fake Christian who spouts anti-Christian concepts such as
revenge and violence, occupies the White House. Clerical silence on this
illuminates the moral collapse of religion in America.
While news reports
have not connected the dots, Walter Shaub, the former head of the federal
Office of Government Ethics, has.
Shaub tweeted: “China
has concentration camps in which an estimated 1 million Uyghurs are being
tormented, raped and killed.
“The sitting President
of the United States said this was absolutely the right thing to do. But what’s
shocking is that this won’t end his presidency. Welcome to America.”
Trump in all
likelihood doesn’t know people are murdered by having their organs forcefully
extracted without anesthesia because he is appallingly ignorant. But Trump is
so immoral that even were he to know about the murders, he’d wave off the
travesty as not his concern.
Trump would denounce
these murders-by-government, Bolton makes clear, only if he believed doing so
would win votes or make money.
As for American
foreign policy, Trump doesn’t give a damn because all he cares about is what
benefits him personally, Bolton writes.
War with China
Serious and long-term
consequences flow from Trump’s disloyal and dumb conduct.
Years ago, I revealed
that China used Wall Street fronts to acquire and remove American rare-earth
elements and technology, vital to making everything from smart bombs to cell
Chinese military
doctrine holds that war with the United States is inevitable. A new book, The
Kill Chain: Defending America in the Future of High-Tech Warfare, asserts America might well lose such a war.
Author Christian Brose is a former military adviser to John McCain and former
staff director for the Senate Armed Services Committee.
It is revealed that
Trump is an enemy of our Constitution awaiting indictment when he leaves
Bolton described how
pathetically Trump begged Xi to help him win a second term.
Trump pleaded with
Xi for “increases in Chinese farm-product purchases, to help with the crucial
farm-state vote.”
There it is, plain and
simple. Donald Trump asked the tyrant in Beijing to help him win a second term.
It is a felony to accept
foreign assistance in an election.
The regulation
facilitating this law is even
clearer. “No person shall knowingly solicit, accept, or receive from a foreign
national any contribution or donation.”
Bolton’s Question and
Bolton writes, accurately,
that “China moved away from democracy, not toward it. In Xi Jinping, China now
has its most powerful leader and its most centralized government since Mao
Ethnic and religious persecution on a massive scale continues.
Meanwhile, China has created a formidable offensive cyberwarfare program, built
a blue-water navy for the first time in 500 years, increased its arsenal of
nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles, and more.”
Predictably Bolton, a
determined Republican war hawk, asserts that former President Barack Obama
“basically sat back and let it happen.” But then he damns Trump, writing that
Trump actively encouraged the worst of Xi’s oppression.
“The real question is
what Trump does about China’s threat,” Bolton writes. The answer in Bolton’s book
is frightening.
Trump doesn’t just sit
back and do nothing. Trump eagerly enables Xi’s oppression at home and his
planning for a future in which Chinese communists, who kill dissenters, set the
world stage.