Why does Trump want to trash the Post Office?
Erik Sherman
But the real story
here is one of Congressional neglect, Republican animosity and the craziest
pension-plan-funding scheme ever devised.
Throw in:
- An illegal strike by fed up postal workers a half-century ago
- Laws tightly restricting what the U.S. Postal Service may do
- The rise of private carriers like FedEx and UPS that deliver only to profitable locations
The result: a
manufactured disaster just waiting to be exploited for political gain.
Love/hate relationship?
For the GOP the postal service is more hate/loathe, with a dose of gaslighting.
For years, Republicans
have tried to pack the postal
service off to a giant dead letter office while claiming they
were only trying to help.
Trump quickly fell
into lockstep.
Following the long-standing GOP playbook on axing postal delivery, Trump has made clear his animosity.
A White House postal
task force, headed by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, called for the
privatization in June 2018. By December 2018, the task force pushed to kill
worker collective bargaining, which would enable slashing wages and benefits.
That fulfilled another part of the de facto Trump
administration policy to make labor cheaper.
In April 2020, Trump called the
postal service a “joke because they’re handing out packages for
Amazon and other Internet companies.” The postal service says it negotiates
prices that turn a profit on those deliveries—indeed, it must by law earn a
FedEx, UPS and many
smaller delivery services also have contracts with the postal service to deliver
some packages, all under confidential negotiated rates.
Probably feeling the
heat, Trump later
tweeted, “I will never let our Post Office fail.” Then he blamed
mismanagement and threatened to block a necessary loan to the postal service if
it didn’t jack up prices it charges Amazon.
Does the postal
service face fiscal problems? Absolutely.
The volume of mail has
been dropping for years. Last year, the postal service moved 54.9 billion
pieces of first-class mail, down 30% from 77.6 billion pieces moved
in 2010. Revenue, adjusted for inflation, has fallen only 10%, however.
A Strike a Half-Century
In 1970 a local walkout by postal workers turned into a massive strike over poor wages and benefits. The postal employees hit the picket lines even though federal law didn’t allow strikes. The effectiveness of that strike sent politicians scurrying. Congress turned the Post Office Department into the U.S. Postal Service.
The change allowed unions and collective bargaining. The new organization was supposed to be self supporting, acting like a company. But the postal service remained as it is today: run at the whim of politicians.
There was the
continued mandate of uniform service pricing and availability, no matter where
citizens lived. The founding fathers
saw it as a service to unite our country.
Our Constitution does not require a postal service, however, it authorizes one. This is a point conservative Republicans have long seized on to justify ending mail service as we have known it since 1792.
Our Constitution does not require a postal service, however, it authorizes one. This is a point conservative Republicans have long seized on to justify ending mail service as we have known it since 1792.
Everyone was to have
access at a single price, no matter how much it cost or where they were. No
business would operate under such universal service conditions.
Instead, a smart
private firm would limit delivery to densely populated areas and if required to
provide service in remote areas charge premiums and offer infrequent, not
daily, delivery.
Milking the Cash Cow
Congress also left the
organization hamstrung by limiting it to letter and package delivery; no
digital mail, no banking.
In other words, the
postal service faces expectations it should operate like a modern corporation
without authority to do so.
Complicating matters
is that the federal government treated the postal service as a “cash cow,” said
Philip F. Rubio, former letter carrier and now a professor of history at North
Carolina A&T State University.
“They began saddling
the USPS with debt and financial disadvantage,” Rubio noted in a series of
email exchanges with DCReport.
One egregious example
came when Congress burdened the
postal service with increased government pension benefits for
employees who were federal workers before 1971.
Why? Because pension
costs grow with the number of years employees have worked. The federal
government, in one stroke, offloaded massive expenses from the federal budget
to the postal service.
Pensions included those of many war veterans. “The Bush administration backed Treasury and declared the USPS had to pay the full cost of veterans’ pensions, and that was written into law,” Rubio said.
“So, the 2003 Pension
Reform Act transferred that responsibility from Treasury to USPS, meaning the
USPS was on the hook for the whole pension of any veteran who worked for it,”
Rubio said.
Many postal workers
have been veterans. Rules of the old Post Office Department gave veterans
hiring preference.
Essentially, the
postal service had to pay the pension benefits gained by many employees at
another employer without compensation for having to cover that expense. That
helped other government budgets look better for years.
The real kicker,
though, happened in 2006, when a GOP Congress passed a bill signed by George W.
Bush requiring the postal service to completely pre-fund 75 years of future
retiree health benefits over 10 years. That means the postal service has set
aside money for the retirement benefits of postal workers who are not yet born
and many more who are children.
The cost? About $110
billion for the pension pre-funding, said Rep. Peter DeFazio
(D-Ore.) who opposed the plan.
From a business
vantage, this is nothing short of insane. No rational corporation would
pre-fund expenses so far in advance, nor would it have the need. Instead, a
company would invest money and let the value grow over time to cover the
The requirement has
become a massive weight strapped to the postal agency that explains most of the
deficits it has been running.
An outrageous irony,
as DeFazio notes on his congressional webpage, is that rather than going to the
intended purpose, “Funds are instead being diverted [by Congress] to help pay
down the national debt.” It’s another budget-shifting, face-saving measure.
The Call to Privatize
For years,
conservatives have pointed to these artificially imposed financial burdens to
blame the postal service for its financial woes. Their answer is privatization.
Chris Edwards of the
Cato Institute lists multiple
benefits the agency enjoys without mentioning the crushing
financial burden. Edwards and those in his camp said private industry could be
more innovative and reduce costs.
But then, with
congressional and administration thumbs on the scales, even the most advanced
corporation could find itself at a standstill.
Daniel Smith, a
free-market economist who is an associate professor at Middle Tennessee
University, said privatization done right could provide benefits. He favored an
open auction so we would know in advance what the buyer is paying, what levels
of service it promises and how it proposed to fulfill those obligations.
But there are big ifs
there. How many times in American history have private businesses received
federal contracts and then failed to deliver on-time and on-budget? Look at the
defense industry, for example.
Smith acknowledged the
agency operates under difficult conditions.
“Part of the problem
is that legislators have manipulated and prevented the Post Office from being
as flexible as it could,” Smith said. “It’s politically controlled and prevents
them from operating as a business should. The Post Office has done a good job
of operating within the constraints.”
The bigger question is
whether any private company could come close to doing what the postal service
does and provide lower rates and better service.
Private Industry Lacks
the Scale
Corporations that might take over include FedEx and UPS. However, most people don’t realize that even put together the amount of business the companies handle is small by comparison with the postal service.
In its 2019 fiscal
year, FedEx handled
about 5.5 billion express and ground deliveries. For UPS,
the total was the same. The postal service, in contrast, handled almost
142.6 billion pieces.
Put together, FedEx and UPS lack the experience of managing anywhere near the volume of traffic. They don’t know the complex logistics of universal service to rural farms in western Nebraska, little businesses tucked away in Kentucky hollows and homes on stilts in Mississippi delta swamps.
Both FedEx and UPS depend on USPS to complete many of their deliveries to such areas or they refuse the business.
In 2014, the most
recent estimate available, the postal
service was carrying 30% of FedEx’s ground deliveries.
How about ever hungry
and expanding Amazon, which has been building its own delivery capabilities?
Clearly it has not expanded enough to handle all its own work. Investment bank Cowen estimates that, although the percentage is dropping, by 2023 the postal service will still deliver 45% of Amazon’s total shipments in the United States.
Clearly it has not expanded enough to handle all its own work. Investment bank Cowen estimates that, although the percentage is dropping, by 2023 the postal service will still deliver 45% of Amazon’s total shipments in the United States.
The cheapest UPS
cheapest package rate is more than $8 and can run more than $40 for those
remote areas UPS does serve.
The UPS letter rate
starts at nearly $20. A USPS first-class letter is 55 cents, a uniform price
whether the letter goes to Georgia or Guam.
A study from the
Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive research and advocacy organization,
notes rural areas
representing 21% of the U.S. population depend heavily on the USPS,
both for deliveries and jobs.
“Without competition
from the public Postal Service, for-profit firms would likely further hike fees
or halt deliveries altogether on less profitable rural routes,” the study said.
The Real Target—the
Ultimate Cost
Congress could clear this up quickly.
There have been
bipartisan efforts to unstrap the unnecessary economic weights from the
organization and to provide pandemic aid.
Trump, Mnuchin and
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) have all taken steps to block
any such changes.
Trump could clear up
his objections, as he appointed a majority of the Postal Regulatory Commission.
The commissioners must sign off on deals like the delivery rates that Amazon
pays. He also appointed the entire USPS Board of Governors.
“It’s apparent that
there are some folks for whatever their reasons are opposed to the postal
service,” Pete Coradi, national business agent for the American Postal Workers
Union, told DCReport.
There are two
potential rationales for the ongoing attempts to break the agency.
One is that
privatization would transfer enormous amounts of value. There are untold
billions in real estate, trucks, contracts and intellectual property. There is high
marketing value, if harnessed, to tell which people and companies sent letters
or packages to any individual.
The other rationale
would be to attack what is the third-largest employer in the nation, with more
than 600,000 mostly unionized workers, historically allies of Democrats.
Although not
considered federal employees, postal workers are eligible for federal health
and retirement benefits. Push them into the private sector and
suddenly there’s less of a burden on federal taxpayers, but not Americans.
Privatize the postal
service and hundreds of thousands of workers would be affected, potentially
seeing worse benefits and pay. That’s particularly bad for the African American
community, which has historically been heavily represented in the institution.
And by overloading the
agency and then sinking it further, denying the pandemic help freely handed out
to large corporations, the GOP might get its way.
Read DCReport’s Joe Maniscalco on how postal workers are bearing the brunt of Trump and the Radical Republican efforts to dismantle the post office.
Read DCReport’s Joe Maniscalco on how postal workers are bearing the brunt of Trump and the Radical Republican efforts to dismantle the post office.