not, says DEM
RI Department of Environmental Management
Think you spotted a Giant Asian Hornet? This invasive pest has
caused a bunch of *buzz* with its nickname of Murder Hornet.

More research is needed to determine if these insects can
survive in Rhode Island’s climate, and there is little risk of them being
present here in 2020.
Chances are you’ve spotted a local look-a-like.
Chances are you’ve spotted a local look-a-like.
In Rhode Island, there are several native wasps and hornets that
can resemble the Giant Asian Hornet but are not a threat to wildlife or our
The native and non-aggressive Eastern Cicada Killer is very
active this time of year, and folks will continue to see them throughout August
while cicada populations are high.

Download the factsheet:…/caps-invasive-asian-giant-hornet-fs…