State’s Crime Victim Compensation Program Assisted 158
Victims of Domestic Violence in Fiscal 2020

Collectively, the CVCP provided victims with over $1 million in financial support during the year.
Among the Rhode Islanders that
received assistance from the CVCP were 158 victims of domestic violence, who
collectively received $323,000 in emergency relocation funding.
The CVCP paid for emergency hotel room stays for 35 victims of domestic violence, providing an immediate escape from dangerous and abusive living situations.
The CVCP paid for emergency hotel room stays for 35 victims of domestic violence, providing an immediate escape from dangerous and abusive living situations.
"Especially now, during the
COVID-19 pandemic, financial insecurity can be a significant barrier for
domestic violence victims, survivors and families," said Rhode Island
Treasurer Seth Magaziner.
"The CVCP can provide financial support to victims helping them escape, and recover, from violent crime."
"The CVCP can provide financial support to victims helping them escape, and recover, from violent crime."
In Rhode Island, it is estimated that children are present at over a third of domestic violence arrests. In 2018, Treasurer Magaziner worked to expand the CVCP, ensuring that children who witness domestic violence have the financial resources to receive psychiatric care and mental health counseling.
While no amount of money can
erase the impact of a violent crime, the CVCP provides up to $25,000 in
reimbursement to Rhode Islanders for expenses related to violent crime,
including medical, dental, and counseling expenses, as well as relocation and
other expenses.
To be eligible to participate in
Rhode Island's CVCP, victims of violent crime must file a police report within
10 days of the alleged crime and file a claim with CVCP no later than three
years after the crime.
For more information, please
call (401) 462-7655, or email