Monday, September 21, 2020

How To ‘Vote Safe RI’

New guide by Common Cause RI welcome help for concerned voters
Here are election procedures in Charlestown

Thank you Common Cause RI for this easy to use reference — Vote Safe RI — a guide to the three voting options for Rhode Islanders in the upcoming general election. Bookmark it and share it. First, regarding the mail ballot option:

Secretary of State Nellie Gorbea announced on Friday that she has sent mail ballot applications to all eligible active voters for the November 3 general election. That’s an important step—one that Common Cause Rhode Island has been urging her to take since April—that will protect the rights and health of voters.
So, eligible active voters are getting an application; no need to ask for it. When you receive the application, and that’s how you decide to vote, the sooner you mail in the application — and then the ballot — the better (see below). Here are the steps they cover; these are clearly explained at the website.

Step 1: Register to Vote.
Step 2: Verify or update your registration status. (Check your status at the SoS website here.)
Step 3: Decide how you want to vote:
Option One — Apply for mail ballot. (If you want to vote by mail ballot in the November 3rd general election, you must request one by October 13th at 4pm.)
Option Two — Vote early in-person at your board of canvassers. Early voting for the general election starts on October 14th.
Option Three — Vote at the polls on election day, November 3rd.


They have this clearly explained, with all the helpful links, at Common Cause ‘Vote Safe RI.’

They urge mail-in voters to get it mailed ASAP!!!

If you choose to vote by mail, it’s important that you return your application early. When you get your ballot, return that early too. We call that “flattening the mail ballot curve.” By sending your application and ballot in early, you help election administrators do their jobs and you make sure your ballot is counted.

 Go here to support Common Cause Rhode Island.