Help the Food Bank Kick Off
the 2020 Holiday Drive
Now more than ever, the Food Bank needs help feeding hungry families.
This year's Holiday Drive comes when the Food Bank is distributing
30% more food due to the impact of COVID-19 - and there's still a long
winter ahead. You can make a difference by donating funds that will
help the Food Bank acquire food in bulk to meet the increased demand.
Click here to

To kick off the Holiday Drive, Stop
& Shop representatives deliver 1,000 frozen turkeys to the Food Bank.
Pictured, left to right, Stop & Shop District Director Vinod Israni,
Food Bank CEO Andrew Schiff, Stop & Shop District Director Dave
Macchioni and Stop & Shop Manager, External Communications &
Community Relations Maria Fruci.
View Our Speaker Series Event:
Impact of
the Election on Food Insecurity
Ellen Teller, Direct of Government Affairs with the Food
Research & Action Center (FRAC), recently joined us to discuss how
the 2020 election will affect federal nutrition programs like SNAP and
school meals. Watch her post-election analysis and learn how we can
work together to advance policies that improve these programs to help
more Americans in need. View here.
Giving From Your IRA
The CARES Act has temporarily suspended the requirements for required
minimum distributions (RMD) for the 2020 tax year. This probably comes
as a relief to many of you who would have had to withdraw from your
retirement accounts. Many of our donors use their RMD to make a gift
from their IRA. Despite the RMD suspension, remember that if you are
70½ or older, you can still make a gift from your IRA or name the Food
Bank as a beneficiary.

Why a Gift
From Your IRA May Still Be a Good Idea
- Your gift will be put to use today, allowing
you to see the difference your donation is making.
- You pay no income taxes on the gift. The
transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so
you benefit even if you do not itemize your deductions.
- Since the gift doesn’t count as income, it can
reduce your annual income level.
Visit our website
for more information.