Or if he does, he’s offering up a twisted point of view
Will Collette
Rep. Blake “Flip” Filippi represents Charlestown, Block Island and parts of Westerly and South Kingstown. It’s been a matter of dispute since he first emerged on the political stage whether he actually lives in any of those four towns, but that’s a subject for another day.
Rhode Island General Assembly just passed and Governor McKee signed the landmark
on Climate” bill that actually requires the state to take its goals to fight the causes and impacts of climate change seriously. The four towns Flip
represents are perhaps the four most vulnerable to climate-driven sea level
rise, severe storms and changes to fish habitats in the state.
for reasons he does not actually explain, Flip has been adamantly opposed to
actually doing something real to prevent the threats to our economy, homes and
lives from the changing climate.
the bill passed and McKee signed it, Flip put out an extraordinary statement (above, left) conjuring up the specter of empowered “unaccountable bureaucrats” who will
impose terrible costs on small businesses, municipalities and low income Rhode
Islanders (as if he has ever expressed any concern about them in the past.
to e-mails put out by the state Trumplican Party, this bill will force you to
give up your home heating furnace, your car, maybe your whole house. It will
make the tragic loss of incandescent light bulbs pale by comparison.
it will be done to you by nameless, faceless, unaccountable bureaucrats. They
will come in the middle of the night to seize your propane grill.
is all total crap, of course, showing that Flip is either ignorant about how
government and law works, or is just deliberately lying. You pick.
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Filippi yelling about something (Steve Ahlquist) |
public employee is accountable to a chain of command. They do not get to scheme
up evil things to do to the citizens with impunity. Flip is insulting each of
them by implying that they do.
a week goes by without some public employee - civil service or political - getting excoriated in the media for doing something that causes complaint. Hardly a
month goes by without someone who messed up getting fired or resigning under
don’t spend a lot of time worrying about what some anonymous public employee
might do. That time is better spent worrying about what arrogant or corrupt
elected officials might do.
for the changes to our lives that might come from this legislation and more
generally from collective efforts to fight climate change, let’s reflect on the
purpose of government.
to the US Constitution demands that government “form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic
Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and
secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.”
mandate led to many changes just in my own 71 years on this planet. When I was
growing up in Pawtucket, we had a backyard incinerator to burn trash. The
textile mills along the Blackstone River dumped anything they wanted into said
were just figuring out how to run mass vaccination programs to stop smallpox
and polio and debating over whether vaccination should be mandatory. We had
cars putting out black exhaust from leaded gas while riders were free from seat
belts and airbags.
got my smallpox and polio vaccinations and didn’t catch either disease but did
suffer through all of the “routine” childhood diseases – measles, rubella,
mumps, whooping cough, etc. – things that should no long plague any child
except those with anti-vaxxer parents.
backyard incinerator is gone, as are the textile mill toxics (along with the
mills themselves, though that’s another story). The Blackstone is now clean and
a National Park.
have changed. Appliances have changed. Just about everything mechanical or
electronic has changed as science and technology advances. Homes have changed –
most people think about energy savings and efficiency not because some pointy
headed bureaucrat told them to, but because it’s in their self-interest.
and the Trumplicans are trying to get you worked up about your oil furnace as
if the bill signing means you must “CALL YOUR HEATING OIL COMPANY TO SAY GOODBYE,” as the RI
Trumplican Party March 29 e-mail heading screamed.
I wish I could do that. Though I like our oil dealer, I have no love of oil. After
Cathy and I returned to Rhode Island and set up our home in Charlestown, our
oil furnace broke. Natural gas, which we had in DC, was not an option, though
propane was.
journeyed up to the Veissman
heating showroom at their Warwick headquarters to try to learn more about
high-efficiency heating and ultimately ended up buying their furnace. It’s a
good furnace, for oil, but it’s still oil. According to the technicians during
their annual check-ups, it runs at “top efficiency” for oil, which is around
the high price of oil, not to mention our interest of cutting our carbon
footprint, we took advantage of the now defunct Solarize
Charlestown program to get solar panels installed on our roof. It cut our electric
bills by more than half and we generally get a monthly check from National Grid
for the excess electricity our panels generate. On Friday, we got our monthly
check for $52.87.
used RISE to
get a free energy audit that spotted further ways we could save energy and
money from simple and inexpensive improvements, such as adding insulation in
key areas or changing a vent.
would add a residential-sized wind turbine if Charlestown allowed it – which
it doesn’t.
point is that like so many other changes, we may chafe at the initial
investment or early inconvenience, but the odds are we will like the results or at minimum get used to them.
every aspect of life, bureaucrats work to implement decisions our elected officials
make to “promote the general welfare.” Whether we like them or not, we adjust.
quit smoking in 1990 largely because smoking restrictions were getting on my
nerves. It was the best personal health decision I ever made, not to mention a
welcome change to family and friends who had endured my smoke.
all have our opinions about the changes we have had to make to cope with the
pandemic. If we had adhered to the restrictions earlier and more strictly, we
might have saved half a million lives.
Flip’s display of ignorance about the Act on Climate law completely neglects to
note that we do not make such serious changes without support and community effort.
From Congress to the State House to Town Hall, we should expect to see support
for changes to our carbon footprint come in many forms, ranging from subsidies
to tax credits.
that subject, while Charlestown is still in the budget process, why not add a property tax INCENTIVE to
encourage more Charlestown property owners to invest in energy efficiency?
That’s one way to help keep Quonnie from drowning.
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Most of Charlestown's high priced property threatened by climate-driven sea level rise and storms |