Sunday, October 3, 2021

RI Delegation Secures $1.1 Million in American Rescue Plan Act Funding for ServeRI Programs

More money for public service jobs

U.S. Senators Jack Reed and Sheldon Whitehouse and Congressmen Jim Langevin and David Cicilline today announced that ServeRI will be receiving $1.1 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding to strengthen national service in Rhode Island and provide relief for organizations and communities disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. 

Specifically, this federal funding will provide Rhode Island with additional flexibility and resources to boost living allowances for AmeriCorps members, stabilize Rhode Island’s AmeriCorps programs, and expand ServeRI opportunities over the next three years. 

“This federal funding will provide a significant boost to community service efforts throughout Rhode Island. Through their dedication and sacrifice, AmeriCorps members help build stronger communities and I am glad Rhode Island is finally getting these additional American Rescue Plan funds to help AmeriCorps support its service members and expand its reach in the Ocean State,” said Senator Reed, a senior member of the Appropriations Committee and a champion of AmeriCorps funding. “From education to conservation, this federal funding will help AmeriCorps members in Rhode Island tackle important challenges and make a positive difference.” 

“AmeriCorps members and volunteers are on the front lines of helping their communities recover from the pandemic,” said Senator Whitehouse. “This American Rescue Plan funding will create more opportunities for Rhode Islanders to make a difference through national service.” 

“AmeriCorps members and volunteers are among the very best of us, and I’m so very grateful for the selfless work they do to strengthen our communities and improve the lives of Rhode Islanders every day,” said Rep. Langevin. “I’m proud that this American Rescue Plan Act funding will help bolster ServeRI and those who devote themselves to national service. As our state recovers from this pandemic, we must ensure that our frontline organizations have the necessary resources to continue serving our communities.”

“As we work to Build Back Better, it is imperative that we invest in national service programs, like AmeriCorps, to help the hardest-hit communities and organizations recover from the global pandemic,” said Rep. Cicilline. “This critical funding will help strengthen AmeriCorps in our state by expanding existing programs, increasing living allowances for members, and supplementing grantees. The AmeriCorps investment will encourage more Rhode Islanders to enter into national service to help tackle the challenges facing their communities.”  

Administered by the Rhode Island Department of Education, ServeRI is the Governor-appointed Rhode Island Commission for National and Community Service, which awards AmeriCorps grants to organizations responding to local needs, promotes Rhode Islanders’ commitment to public service, and seeks to organize the collective effort of volunteer and service opportunities across the state.