Sunday, February 20, 2022

Magaziner racks up early union endorsements

Magaziner’s Third Union Endorsement in Three Days

General Treasurer and congressional candidate Seth Magaziner was today endorsed by Carpenters Local 330, which represents over 1,000 Rhode Island workers.   

“Seth has put our people to work on construction projects all over the state and he understands that Carpenters and other tradesmen deserve good wages and safe working conditions,” said President for Carpenters Local 330 Michael Holmes. 

“Since taking office as Treasurer, he has created thousands of good-paying jobs across the state, supported our efforts to crack down on wage theft, and been a staunch advocate for expanding career and technical education and apprenticeship programs.  We are proud to endorse him.” 

Magaziner has used the Office of the General Treasurer in innovative ways to create jobs and improve Rhode Island’s schools. As the co-chair of the School Buildings Task Force, Magaziner led a $1.7 billion investment in repairing and replacing Rhode Island schools, creating spaces for a robust career and technical curriculum, and resulting in over 28,000 jobs statewide. In 2018, Magaziner also expanded the state’s Collegebound 529 Savings program to include apprenticeship programs. 

“I want to thank the Carpenters for their endorsement,” said General Treasurer and congressional candidate Seth Magaziner. “Carpenters build more than just structures- they are building the future of Rhode Island.  I have been honored to partner with them on building new schools and I will always have the backs of Rhode Island workers in Congress.”  

Earlier this week, Magaziner won the endorsement of Ironworkers Local 37 and Unite Here Local 26. Supporters are encouraged to visit and to follow Magaziner’s campaign on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.