Monday, April 11, 2022

Two great events upcoming








Two Upcoming Events


The Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Rivers Stewardship Council presents these two free events highlighting several of the Outstandingly Remarkable Values for which the watershed was designated nationally as Wood-Pawcatuck Wild and Scenic Rivers.




Ceremonial Stonework,

May 11th and May 14th or 15th


Presenter and guide Mark Starr "is a documentary photographer and author of a dozen books on topics ranging from North Stonington dairy farms to commercial fishing to building a Greenland kayak, including his most recent volume, Ceremonial Stonework: The Enduring Native American Presence on the Land." - The Day, Steve Fagin, Dec 23, 2021, Off to a rocky start in North Stonington


This slideshow takes the audience on an extended walk through the woods to see the ceremonial stonework left behind by the indigenous population that occupied New England for 12,000 years. Native Americans built nearly two dozen distinct types of stone structures in our area, ranging from cairns to stone serpent effigies, and these spiritual offerings remain standing in now long abandoned woods. While Native American stonework is widely recognized out west and to the south, New England’s stonework remains obscure, having blended back into the woods. This slideshow, from the book by the same name, comes from photographs of over 8000 objects and ceremonial sites in North Stonington, CT.


Slideshow presentation Wednesday, 6:30pm, May 11th at WPWA


Outdoor walk to see ceremonial stonework will be

9 - 11am on Saturday May 14th

(rain date Sunday the 15th)

in North Stonington, CT.

Location to be announced upon registration.


Registration is required. For questions, see details below or contact Kassi, Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinator,






Traditional Ecological Knowledge Kayak Tour,

May 11th or 13th


Lorén M. Spears is the Executive Director of Tomaquag Museum. Lorén aspires to empower Native youth and to educate the public on Native history, culture, environment and the arts. Explore indigenous plants and discover their uses in the traditional life ways of the Narragansett People.


This is an easy, up and back paddle on a wide river. Upon request, kayaks can be reserved. Stewardship Council Members, consider being a Guide for kayaking safety and to promote the Wild and Scenic Rivers.


Group will paddle from WPWA Headquarters at Barberville Dam on the Wood River up to Frying Pan Pond to see an open marsh, which is prime habitat for many wildlife and plant species. The upper Wood River is an exceptional river ecosystem which supports the highest biodiversity of any river in New England. From the headwaters in Sterling CT to Frying Pan Pond in Richmond and Hopkinton RI, over 94% of the immediate land use surrounding the river is undeveloped and primarily forested.



Wednesday, May 11th, 3:30-6pm

Rain Date: Friday, May 13th, 3:30-6pm


Space is limited, registration is required.  For questions see details below or, contact Kassi, Wild and Scenic Rivers Coordinator,