UPDATED: Party primaries matter, especially in Congress Second District, RI Senate District 38
Will Collette
UPDATED: Well-known Westerly politico Caswell Cooke DID finally squeek his way onto the November ballot as an independent candidate for Senate District 38 (Dennis Algiere's former sear). The final tally shows Cooke with 108 validated signatures to meet the 100 minimum.
of the candidates for Charlestown’s municipal offices face primary challenges
so their first and only test with the voters will be at the November 8 General
Election. I’ll run down the list of who is running locally in another article
coming soon.
There also is no primary for House District 36 to replace scared rabbit Flip Filippi who ran for cover when Tina Spears announced her bid to unseat him. She does have a Republican opponent in November but we'll get to that later.
first, let’s look at the primary races where party voters will make critical
choices about who will face off in November. NOTE: I make no apology for the fairly obvious bias in my remarks.
District 2
Rep, Jim Langevin’s surprise announcement that he is retiring set off a frenzy of activity to replace him. In Rhode Island, it is rare for any one of its four seats in Congress to fall open so this is a rare opportunity for a Democrat to move up or for the Republicans to flip a long-time Democratic House seat.
General Treasurer Seth Magaziner 👉 leads the pack,
followed by former aide to Rep. Langevin Joy Fox, gazillionaire Sarah Morgenthau (who may or may
not actually live in Rhode Island) and progressive David Segal.
long-shots remain in the race: Omar Bah who squeaked
into the primary with only 5 signatures to spare and comeback kid and long-time
South Kingstown state legislator Spencer
Dickenson hoping for a political comeback.
Two contenders dropped out: Donald Keith and Cameron Moquin.
Democrats in the primary makes it pretty likely that the primary will be messy.
Hopefully, that will not harm the winner from beating Allan Fung in November.
gets a pass from a primary challenge now that we know his fellow Republican
Donald Frederick Robbio fell short of the required 500 signatures on his
nomination papers by 82.
who lost his last two statewide races (and lost in Charlestown) will face the
winner of the Democratic primary. For reasons unknown, ethical or otherwise, Charlestown
hired Fung to advise it on how to spend American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) money even though
every Republican in Congress voted against it. Fung has not said whether he
actually supports ARPA, but Charlestown is paying him anyway.
were also four independents who declared for the House Second District but
three of the four failed to qualify for lack of signatures. Only William
Gilbert, representing what’s left of the Moderate Party, had enough signature
to make it onto the November ballot.
Senate District 38
(Westerly, southern half of Charlestown, part of South Kingstown)
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Sharon Ahern, Victoria Gu and Michael Niemeyer |
We now know that one local race, the contest to replace retiring state Senator Dennis Algiere, District 38, will go to a primary on September 13 to determine the Democratic candidate. Three Democrats are competing: Sharon Ahern of Westerly who chaired the Westerly Town Council, political newcomer Victoria Gu of Charlestown and Michael Niemeyer of Westerly who is running under the auspices Matt Brown’s RI Political Collective.
Victoria picked up two major endorsements in the past few days, one from the Rhode Island Coalition Against Gun Violence and the other from the RI Working Families Party.
winner will face Republican Westin Place who has no primary challenger.
won’t be any independents for Senate 38 on the November 8 General Election
ballot since neither of two contenders got enough signatures to make the cut.
One was conservative Robert deVilliers and the other was well-known Westerly
politician Caswell Cooke. Cooke’s failure to qualify is quite a surprise given
his long prominence in Westerly politics. Cooke finally did manage to get 8 more signatures than the required 100 after the BOE finished its tally. De Villiers did not with a final count of 81.
Senate District 35
(East Greenwich to Wakefield)
Here's Costa taking photos of people attending an anti-gun rally and flipping the finger at journalist Steve Ahlquist who took this photo |
35, Republican Nadine Swanson dropped out allowing radical nutcase Doreen Costa 👈who seeks to make a political comeback now that crazy is the norm in the Republican Party to skip the primary and go straight to the General Election. Costa will face incumbent progressive Democrat Bridget Valverde.
I loved writing Doreen Costa
I was glad to see her go in 2016 and am sorry to see her trying to come back.
Wikipedia described the incident that best describes what a terrible legislator she was:
In 2013, Costa, a North Kingston resident, advocated for the recall of the Exeter town council over a firearm background check rule that would allow electronic background checks to be facilitated by the state. Exeter did not have the resources to conduct the checks and relied on the state. The recall failed, ultimately, costing the town of Exeter close to $10,000.
District 35 👉 is shaped like a descending colon that stretches from East
Greenwich to Wakefield. Before it’s re-districting colectomy, it stretched to
Point Judith.
District 39 (Richmond, Hopkinton, Exeter)
Right-wing radical nut Rep. Justin Price escaped a primary when fellow Republican and controversial former Hopkinton Town Council President Frank Landolfi failed to turn in any signatures to get on the ballot.
Price took over Doreen Costa's ecological niche as dumbest, most radical Republican in the General Assembly and has been embarrassing his district since 2014.
Now Price will face a rematch with progressive
Democrat Megan Cotter in the November
8 General Election unless Price is
arrested by the feds for his role in Trump’s attempted coup on January 6.
![]() |
McKee, the accidental incumbent |
makes the Democratic primary for Governor a five-person race pitting woeful
incumbent Dan McKee against term-limited Secretary of State Nellie
RI Political Coop guru Matt Smith, former CVS
exec Helena Foulkes and immigration
advocate Dr. Luis Munoz.
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Nellie Gorbea whose been a great Secretary of State |
no-hopers filed Declarations as independents or third party. Only one of the
six has qualified for the ballot: Zachary Hurwitz, a Narragansett
18-year old
who got a nice puff piece
in the ProJo.
told the ProJo:
"During my sophomore year [at North Kingstown High], during COVID, while people were sitting around and watching 'Tiger King,' I was researching the topic, and I realized I could do it. Politics has always been a big part of my life."
be on the ballot in November.
Former state Representative Larry Valencia from Richmond failed to make the ballot in his campaign for Lieutenant Governor. Larry was a fine member of the General Assembly until he lost his seat to aforementioned jerk Justin Price in 2014.
Larry ran kind
of a joke campaign
that picked up from the late Bob Healey’s Cool Moose Party raison d’etre that
the office of the Lieutenant Governor should be abolished. It’s hard to get
signatures for an “I don’t give a shit” campaign…unless you’re Bob Healey.
of interest in the office allowed Dan McKee to squeak out a win over
progressive Aaron Regunberg in 2018 election. And by winning, McKee became our
inept accidental Governor when Gina Raimondo got her gig with the Biden
about how close we came to having a Governor Regunberg makes me appreciate the
job of Lieutenant Governor all the more. And besides, Liz Roberts and Charlie
Fogarty used the office well during their terms, with Liz championing health
care and Charlie stumping the state to promote jobs and the economy.
I’d love to see you back in office, but your L-G campaign this year was a big
on September 13, Democrats will choose from incumbent Sabina Matos (Dan McKee’s
running mate), Cynthia Mendes (Matt Smith’s
running mate) and Rep. Deb Ruggiero who is running
on her distinguished record.
November, one of two independents who filed Declarations will also be on the
ballot: Ross McCurdy, a chemistry
teacher at Ponagansett High School.
The Treasurer’s seat is open due to term limits that pushed Seth Magaziner out and into the race for Congress District 2. The pundits are unanimous in calling the Democratic primary pitting former Central Falls Mayor James Diossa against former state Commerce Grand High Poo-bah Stefan Pryor the hottest primary of the year.
Pryor is getting
lots of endorsements and raising tons of money. Diossa is also getting
endorsements and donations but not enough to keep up with Pryor.
met them both. James Diossa is a modest, good soul who has the distinction of having
lifted the city of Central Falls out of the depths of municipal Hell. Central
Falls was so bad that the state offered money to Pawtucket to absorb them, but
Pawtucket refused because they thought Central Falls was beyond hope.
came James Diossa who was Central Falls’ first Latino mayor and at age 24, the youngest in Rhode Island history. He bootstrapped
the city out of despair. Not only that, but he built a great municipal team that is
continuing to help Central Falls become a livable city again under his
successor Mayor Maria Rivera. She was among the first to endorse James for
General Treasurer.
James could have claimed he’s the guy who saved Central Falls. He won’t do that
– he's too modest – so I will.
challenger Stefan Pryor has no problem with modesty. If you’re willing
to sit through one of his lecture-speeches, you’ll hear how he single-handedly
saved lower Manhattan after 9/11, single-handedly saved the Connecticut public
school system as CT Education Commissioner and, under both Gina Raimondo and
Dan McKee, has been the single most important driving force behind Rhode
Island’s economy recovery such that it is.
Pryor’s meeting with the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee, Pryor made what
I considered to be some cheap shots at his predecessors. I wanted to make sure
I heard it right so I asked him in a July 1 e-mail:
When you spoke before the Charlestown Democratic Town Committee recently, you made some remarks that I want to follow-up for clarification.
One was that if you become Treasurer, RI pension investments will be made strictly “on the data” and “on the merits” to get the highest returns. The second was related to the first that you guaranteed there would be “no cronyism,” no “I know a guy” influence on investment decisions.
First, I’d like to confirm you made those statements.
Second, I’d like to know more about what you meant. For example, did you mean that RI will not apply any social responsibility criteria to its investments? Will you continue Treasurer Magaziner’s practice of shareholder activism on social justice issues? If you go for the highest returns, does that leave open investments in hedge funds, venture capital and vulture funds that Gina Raimondo was fond of? Maybe Bitcoin or the next Ponzi scheme?
The cronyism remark made me wonder who you were referring to. Seth? Gina? Seth has been in office for 8 years and if he engaged in any cronyism, I’d like to hear about it. Or Gina, although she was criticized for her investment choices? I’d also be interested in hearing about what practices Seth Magaziner put into place that you intend to continue, or those you intend to reverse or change.
No response. I doubt if
it’s hard for you to guess who I support.
is no primary for Attorney General. AG Peter Neronha does face a token
Republican challenge in the November 8 General election. Greg Amore, an
overwhelming favorite to become term-limited Nellie Gorbea’s successor as
Secretary of State faces one primary challenger. Stephanie Beute. I tried to
find out whatever I could about Ms. Beaute but only found a photo with no
context. Update: Ms Boute finally emerged with a flurry of news articles describing her candidacy. CLICK HERE for ProJo coverage. CLICK HERE for the Boston Globe. CLICK HERE for WPRI.
by mail: application deadline is August 23 for the Primary
the newly enacted Rhode Island Votes Act, you no longer have to give an excuse
for voting by mail. Nor do you have to have your ballot notarized.
you probably will not have your ballot automatically mailed to you so you should ask for one.
can download
the application form.
You can either fill it in on-line and then print it out ready for signing, or
print out the blank and fill it in my hand. Either way, you then sign it using
either the name on your driver’s license or your new voter registration cards
that were mailed last week. It is important that you use the name that appears
on your voter registration. You can check that HERE.
mail or deliver the completed application to:
Board of Canvassers
Charlestown Town Hall
4540 South County Trail.
Charlestown, RI 02813
Deadline for the application is August 23. Once you
receive your primary ballot, you must either mail it or deliver it to the Board
of Canvassers so they have it in their hands by the September 13 primary day.
Of course, you can go to Town Hall to vote either on the day or earlier.
the link to download
the application form
for the November 8 General Election. The deadline to apply for a mail-in
General Election ballot is October 18,